martes, 31 de julio de 2012

What we reported using credit cards

In a dialogue between computer, commented on how much data you disclose personal when we pay with credit cards.

- Hello, Matthew! How did you spend the weekend?

- Hello, Rosario! Had such a good, not wanting to come to work.

- Of course, who may want to arrive Monday?

- Looks like Susana González is pregnant.

- Why do you say, Rosario?

- Because the system indicates that four months ago to not buy feminine hygiene or birth control pills.

- How old are you, Susana Gonzalez?

- Let's see ... born in 1980 ... Uh! It has more than 30, ha ha, better than has been the batteries, right?

- What is happening to Ricardo Rojas, which increased by 28% purchases of food and cleaning supplies? Perhaps rejoined the woman. Do you remember that he had canceled the extension to it when you fight?

- What do you call a woman?

- Let's see ... María del Luján Perdomo.

- I tell you ... to see ...Look at Maria del Lujan! It extends for Mario Villagran, the widower who spends a lot on clothes. Notice that she received two days after the husband canceled the.It's no sleeping woman!

- What will be happening to Manolo Perez more than three months since buying toothpaste?

- The look and tell you right away ... Ah, yes, Manolo was that you paid over a thousand dollars in a whiskey bar where he got drunk and caused damage that figure.

- ... And that has to do with it does not reset while Colgate tubes bought in offering "Three for the price of two '?

- Hmm, to me that Manolo is of poor drinking and brawling than by questions of the day, smashed his teeth beaten, ... ha ha!

- Good!

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Lo que informamos usando tarjetas de crédito
(This is Article No. 1,626)

lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

Poverty defined as wealth

Some Christians believe in saving, in the restriction of expenditure (consumption) and that real wealth is achieved with a "plentiful poverty".

I return to my distrustful attitude to share with you a new review for pathological poverty.

There are already many people who are dedicated to proclaim that the cause of poverty is more a matter of guilt. For those priests of poverty, poor fault there lies with the rich.

Those who believe in this, spend much of their energy to fight the rich somehow and postpone the strategies to make money for itself when you're done with that class exploitative, abusive, mean, miserable, selfish and "school of bastards" .

My suspicion paranoid does not include the hypothesis that the rich are guilty of so many people suffer deficiencies caused by poverty. This hypothesis is sufficiently "attended" by those who present themselves as the true defenders of the poor (mostly enrolled in a left-wing party).

My suspicion paranoid includes scenarios where there are some beliefs, many of which are promoted by the Christian religions, that encourage depletion, proposed to avoid enrichment, promise a better life after death.

In any event could be rich people who take (advantage) such property abandoned by the poor religiously Christian believers.

These rich are actually abandoned garbage collectors for the poor Christians.

Rich Christians are people who do not believe so deeply in that poverty needed to make a wonderful paradise after death, or waver much in reincarnation, or prefer to ensure the welfare in this life.

Some Christians believe in saving, in the restriction of expenditure (consumption) and that real wealth is achieved with a "plentiful poverty".

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La pobreza entendida como riqueza

(This is Article No. 1,625)

domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

The poor woman

Women are at the center of collective responsibility and mediocrity is more damaging to all that the male mediocrity.

When I was twelve I entered psychoanalysis by mistake.

I loved to read, ... because I had no TV, no Play-Station, or money to practice any vice entertaining. As public libraries were free to use (as now), then tried to have fun reading.

In this context, I found a great find for someone in my house so named as Sigmund Freud, had written a book called Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious.

I do not know how I could finish reading it because it seemed boring.

A little joke as funny as those who serve him to psychoanalysis to show how the unconscious, said that a parishioner asked daily coffee "very, very bitter", always the same bar. When the employee asked him "why he wanted so, so bitter?" The customer replied, "because I want to throw much, but a lot of sugar."

When you stop laughing, read the following:

The motors that keep us alive, active, vital, are the needs and desires. Both can be thought of as holes that claim to be refilled.

From this we can deduce that encourages us 'fill', 'complete', 'fill' holes, empty spaces.

Everyone has a stomach (hollow organ) that moves us, stimulates, revitalizes, individually, but the species has only some of its units, a uterus that moves us, stimulates, revitalizes, collectively.

These specimens are the most challenging hole, we call them "women."

By flattery and we tried to cancel, stop, bribing the recipient, so now I want to de-flattering to women, to comment that are at the heart of collective responsibility and that mediocrity is more damaging to all that the male mediocrity.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La mujer mediocre

(This is Article No. 1,625)

sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Family and government budgets

With the "polls" the rulers find out what the political cost of affecting the interests of citizens.

Money management needs to avoid the awkwardness, so to maneuver with hot water (avoid burning), ink (to avoid staining), glass (avoid breaking it).

A mistake, not only possible but also very common in the handling of money, is not correctly calculate the income-related expenses.

When spending money, it is essential to have him and not overspend because, although there is a credit (debt), we know that this always has a cost that will increase our losses.

You can calculate future investment, not just when we will expense the cost is equal to another already done in the past but also because they may agree (contract) with our suppliers so that they are committed to deliver good or service exchange for a certain amount of money (and not more than that amount).

By budgeting is possible to ensure that the expenditure will not exceed the money we have.

This is true in our domestic economy, perhaps all we know, but now I will make a comment that appears to deviate from the topic, but does not depart.

Rulers tend to contract the making of "opinion polls" to guide their decisions.

The use made of them is very varied: some are strictly guided by the results while others use them as a simple reference.

Why use "polls"? Because this is the way to make a budget on a phenomenon that has no history to date.

Just as we can personally request a quote for us to paint our house, rulers find out what the political cost of taking a particular decision affecting the interests of citizens.

Note: original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Presupuestos familiares y de gobierno

(This is Article No. 1624)

viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

Common sense and the study

Common sense is an error that is corrected with many years of study.

The following text is written in a slightly humorous, slightly ironic, slightly irrational, with the acumen of readers is enough to remove the idea would be to convey to.

To learn that 1 = 1 (one equals one), we may need a year to attend the school of first grade (primary).

When we assimilate the idea of 'identity', we take a big step, we build a strong intellectual foundation, we generate a rational core hard and resistant to change.

So much so that to accept that 500 = 20,000 (five equals twenty thousand), need:

- Not less than 15 years to forget that one is equal to one;
- Not less than two years to understand why 500 = 20,000; and
- A few months to accept that different can be the same.

I mean, if I pay $ 500 for an insurance company, this will give me a car worth $ 20,000, in the case of certain events occurring previously stipulated, for example:

- If I steal the vehicle and does not appear within 90 days;
- If I hurt someone and pay restitution of $ 20,000;
- If I make the mistake of straying from the road, falling into a river, get out alive, but the damage totaling $ 20,000.

For these reasons, we see that, under certain circumstances, 500 = 20,000.

With a little study, we come to know that 1000 = 10:000.000.

Indeed, those who study to conduct opinion polls, they know what the decision of a population, consulting only 1,000 of them.

Conclusion: common sense is a mistake that was corrected many years of study.

Note: original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El sentido común y el estudio

(This is Article No. 1,623)

jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Identifying poverty

In many families there are rules of conduct that reinforce the traditional socio-economic class they belong to generation after generation.

There are linguistic expressions that have special relevance in our understanding.

The sayings (proverbs) are the most common and abundant. What appear to express advice, recommendations, truths from somewhere magical, reliable, final.

In families in which linked several generations (grandparents, grandchildren, children, parents, cousins, brothers), usually woven a web of truths, statements, slogans, whose veracity is not questioned.

The members of those families assume that to be accepted, they must repeat them as their own these "truths" and guide their actions for them.

The wealth and poverty are hereditary, but not necessarily for genetic reasons or economic reasons but also for cultural reasons.

The importance of these phrases seem inextricably linked to surnames.

A simple definition, powerful, unquestioned might say, for example: (The Perez Rodriguez are) "poor but honest."

If a family there this definition as identifying the lineage, it will almost certainly be proud to be poor because, be, will be understood that they are also honored.

What happens in a family with a "motto" identificatory like this?

- Probably a majority of members keep their income controlled to never stop being poor;

- If any of them had a major stroke of luck and received a large income, something would be done to remove the medium or the lucky would graduate from the family group;

- If a rich person would enter that family group would have a strong resistance from other members;

- If, after taking care to stop anyone from being poor, some of them committed an act that called into question the 'honesty of Rodriguez Perez, "very probably have to be expelled as a traitor.

Note: original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La pobreza identificatoria