martes, 31 de julio de 2012

What we reported using credit cards

In a dialogue between computer, commented on how much data you disclose personal when we pay with credit cards.

- Hello, Matthew! How did you spend the weekend?

- Hello, Rosario! Had such a good, not wanting to come to work.

- Of course, who may want to arrive Monday?

- Looks like Susana González is pregnant.

- Why do you say, Rosario?

- Because the system indicates that four months ago to not buy feminine hygiene or birth control pills.

- How old are you, Susana Gonzalez?

- Let's see ... born in 1980 ... Uh! It has more than 30, ha ha, better than has been the batteries, right?

- What is happening to Ricardo Rojas, which increased by 28% purchases of food and cleaning supplies? Perhaps rejoined the woman. Do you remember that he had canceled the extension to it when you fight?

- What do you call a woman?

- Let's see ... María del Luján Perdomo.

- I tell you ... to see ...Look at Maria del Lujan! It extends for Mario Villagran, the widower who spends a lot on clothes. Notice that she received two days after the husband canceled the.It's no sleeping woman!

- What will be happening to Manolo Perez more than three months since buying toothpaste?

- The look and tell you right away ... Ah, yes, Manolo was that you paid over a thousand dollars in a whiskey bar where he got drunk and caused damage that figure.

- ... And that has to do with it does not reset while Colgate tubes bought in offering "Three for the price of two '?

- Hmm, to me that Manolo is of poor drinking and brawling than by questions of the day, smashed his teeth beaten, ... ha ha!

- Good!

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Lo que informamos usando tarjetas de crédito
(This is Article No. 1,626)

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