If humans act with absolute perfection, why the idea persists that "err is human"?
Both claims are valid and the reason is that "we act with absolute perfection," according to our own beliefs.
What some call "setting the world" refers to the set of ideas we have about "what reality is."
"Nobody likes to scream," "before leaving the supermarket, we have to pay the goods," "the elderly walk and think more slowly," are some of the ideas we have of "what the world, the reality , life. "
Our "world configuration" is a true fact ... but generally consists of beliefs, traditions, customs, prejudices, superstitions, wrong information.
Back to the beginning: we act with absolute perfection but "err is human" because we have a "world configuration" imperfect.
Momentarily change the subject to suggest that accountability is similar to the law of gravity, as we both bring a sense of weight, cargo, both of us consume energy, we get tired.
Our natural tendency to save energy (1) encourages us to disengage intelligence (avoid, evade) the few times we make a commitment (take responsibility) or make some effort if we can avoid it.
If our "world configuration" includes the belief that it is normal to receive extra assistance of supernatural forces, we may be delegating tasks to someone or something and will not end without making them (work, produce, clean, make money).
Several articles (2) I discussed how this "world configuration" usually found in people living thanking God for being alive, for every bodily function that still have, to have food, shelter, because they imagine that it is normal for people "grateful" to have "collaborators omnipotent."
(2) Gracias de nada
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