sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

The living space

The video and this article will try to tell them about purchasing new items for our home, emphasizing that not only have to shell out money for this purchase but we also have to deprive ourselves of the space to be occupied.

For some reason this topic is seldom considered. If you hear the associated video and read this article maybe can begin to perceive what years who knows.

I refer also to economic phenomenon, ie the available space inside your home.

When several people live together, each usually has its own sensitivity to the circulation spaces. When a person lives alone can not realize how much better it would be with less furniture or appliances.

We also have different sensitivities to the number of windows, curtains, paintings, rugs, mirrors, ornaments, doors, colors, combination of colors, textures of walls, upholstery, wood.

Our house is usually found as or as was fixing over the years. If we get used to as it is not always have the comfort that we can get what we already have.

In short, the video and try to tell them this article on purchasing new items for our home, emphasizing that not only have to shell out money (for once) to make that purchase, but we also have to deprive ourselves of the space (forever) they will occupy.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El espacio habitable.

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