martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

The strength of the exploited workers

If we are strong and we are weak if votes are useless.

Narcissism is the belief that others love us blind with the same passion with which we love ourselves.

It is a very sweet, tender, loving, pleasant, equivocadísima assumption. It is true that others will love us as much as we love ourselves. Moreover: the other, in the best, are indifferent; in the worst hate us, envy us jealous, wish to destroy us.

So confusing are our relationships with others with our fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, spouses, coworkers, bosses, leaders, neighbors, acquaintances, strangers.

To earn a living have to give something in return. I mean, other than mom and dad, who are instinctively compelled to take care, all others are not worried about whether we're good, fair or poor.

Therefore, we earn our bread because we give our employer something that is useful to him.

Sometimes the socialist or communist discourse is ambivalent enough to let us believe that the capitalists or the state have to worry about our welfare. That is false: we are only protected by ourselves and others will help to the extent that our existence is profitable, beneficial, fun, worthy to be cared for them (who help us), the advantages that follow do not miss them existing.

As we see: we love us (narcissism) because we are interested in pursuing living (self-preservation) and someone else may love to the extent that also has an interest, benefit, convenience.

Workers have force provided they are useful to employers. If workers were not advantageous for employers would not have the power to pressure by threatening to stop work (strike).

In short, few greater the profits it receives our employer of our production, the greater the force that exert on him, threatening to stop production if not improve working conditions.

If we are strong and we are weak if votes are useless.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La fuerza de los trabajadores explotados.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.201)

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