jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

The violent thumb and cell phones

The thumb is associated with age at death of a citizen and public repression of citizens.

In a seemingly erratic, chaotic and disorganized, share with you an idea, however, would be logical as we are not overly attached to an inflexible reasoning.

At some point in history, the rulers of the Roman Empire occurred to them that the top leader of his regime would be called Caesar.

"The Caesar" resembled the famous character of Ian Fleming, James Bond, as "Caesar" was licensed to kill.

A popular show at that time was the fight between soldiers (gladiators) and, to complete the show, the fighter triumphant after immobilizing the vanquished, who looked to Caesar with an eloquent gesture decided whether the loser deserved to die or stay alive.

That gesture was eloquent hero the thumb. If Caesar showed him down, the loser deserved to die, and if you put up, deserved to live.

As we see, or do not know this story, most likely all associate the first finger as to who determines such important issues as the life or death of others.

In our language, not only called "thumb" but "fat" or "Police".

The word "Police" (1) inevitably suggests "police".

The police role is to maintain order among the citizens, but this role is usually executed by violent practices, repressive, cruel and sometimes deadly.

Again we have associated the "toe" with violent death, with the execution authorized by the all powerful Roman Caesar.

These references lead me to something seemingly trivial though presumably provided with any of these items fatal: the almost exclusive use of the thumb in the management of essential cellular phones.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El violento pulgar y los teléfonos celulares

(This is the Article No. 1789)

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