miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Who does not understand, really can not understand

Nobody is unfair because he wants to but because it is impossible to understand and be more fair.

Our culture preserves traces of cruelty but newly elevated'll know in a thousand years, when we can be in a position similar to that we have today about the Middle Ages, in which the customs of that time now seem savage, ruthless , inhuman.

This hypothesis is not intended to predict the future, but intends to assume that the trend will continue marking behaviors of different generations.

This determination of the trend is simply to imagine that if ten centuries ago surgeons did not wash their hands to cut the body of a patient and now does so with little risk of causing infections, to continue this trend, in ten centuries to nobody would think of cutting the skin to modify the interior of the body because the technology will make changes without resorting to invasive procedures.

It is my belief that in the future we will not believe in free will and we can assume that no one does what he wants but we are actuated by natural factors that we can not even perceive.

Among the mental health workers find how unfair is when people judge people with such diseases.

It is almost impossible for the uninitiated to understand that when someone has a distorted behavior by a disease, is categorically impossible to harmonize the performance affected by sheer force of will.

This ignorance and misunderstanding acts as dynamite.

Who accompany life in a mental patient, sometimes take years to realize that there is no guilt but unable to do things better.

It is heartbreaking to witness the behavior of those who do not understand medieval ... they can not understand.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Quien no comprende, realmente no puede comprender.

(This is the Article No. 1788)

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