martes, 29 de enero de 2013

We can horrify less

Perhaps we no longer need the horror of incest, or the horror of polygamy, nor have so many children to conserve the species.

Mankind has adapted to the needs of the conservation of the species continuously.

By observing the prosperity of our species, because we are already manifested seven billion copies, we can conclude with some certainty that "we have done things well" So our only mission (1) to preserve the species, is being fulfilled satisfactorily.

This success does not mean we can not have done better, with less cost in human lives, damage the ecosystem, in other avoidable collateral damage.

When I say "other collateral damage 'I'm thinking of solutions that still apply to have disappeared even after the reasons that gave rise.

As postulated in several articles, the prohibition of incest (2) was imposed for humans saw hampered the satisfaction of sexual desire more immediate and early, just to enhance the reproductive drive that gestate more individuals of the species.

This prohibition became less important when the danger of extinct species has declined as reassuringly.

With the same purpose to impose cultural norms that would strengthen our reproductive drive, in most villages there is a tradition of men join with women in monogamous marriages.

I understand that humans, like other mammals, are polygamous because we do not need fertilizing copulation always occur between the same people (horror of open marriage).

What I propose is to think that banning polygamous satisfy our desires has led to the desire to love has moved many people to have many children do not have many lovers.

Perhaps we no longer need the horror of incest, or the horror of polygamy, nor have so many children to conserve the species.

Otras menciones del concepto «poligamia»:

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Ya podemos horrorizarnos menos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.794)

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