The job is reluctance usually undiagnosed illness as work is part of the normal biological functioning.
In the forelock, (or hook), a recent article (1) say quote:
"Work does not depend on our will. Because we are part of nature, work is inevitable".
As always, those who do not admit that free will does not exist but are inexorably determined by natural factors (genetic, learning, current scenario), can not understand the proposals that follow logically from this assumption (determinism).
In the case of that article work is as inevitable as any other action we should do because the factors that influence this result only answer.
In that article I said that if our body is equipped phenomenon of life there will be a job that phenomenon without which life (2) would be interrupted (death).
Health is a state in which all jobs are done properly, the heart works well, do their homework lungs, digestive system meets their specific objectives, and so all the functions, coordination, and keep us alive without discomfort or concern forecasts (severe disease).
No work is a form of disease because they are doing what is needed to live: get food, higienizarnos, keep our house in habitable condition, move from one place to another, interact with other people.
The periods during which our workload down to rest or do not get paid for a job in the labor market difficulties, or are affected by a reluctance which prevents us from making efforts are periods in which our health is impaired, either because need rest to recover or because the living conditions are sickening or directly because we have an undiagnosed illness characterized by being unable to work.
Note: Original in Spanish (without
translation by Google): Trabajar
es parte del funcionamiento orgánico saludable
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.777)
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