jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Fear of abandonment of adults

The pet owners and parents of children do not recognize who fear being abandoned. They need to imagine adorable essential. Best.

Ever I mentioned earlier that no master dog searches retrieve showing a sign saying : "gratified catch dog escaped from my house I had advantage of an oversight". Quite the contrary, the master issued a poster in which he laments the poor animal has been lost and perhaps walk around crying about not finding the way back to the master's house.

What would happen to a child who is not prohibited to talk to strangers?
I'm afraid that little could go after a better promise of being.

Parents are terrified of us that could happen.

We are concerned that young are so naive and are easy prey to deception. But what are our real concerns?

One of those fears is that the little people who want to find more, try better and become happier in the new family.

When a small non weeps bitterly in his first day of school the parents have an emotional attack.

I do not think that will happen, but marketing experts are able to advise the owners of nurseries that surreptitiously staying hinder new students, just for parents, real customers who pay monthly, sit the child love them with passion.

Therefore, the masters of escaped pets and parents of the children are very vulnerable people who fear being abandoned by their loved ones.

However, these masters and parents do not support the idea that it is they who fear being abandoned. They need to imagine adorable, indispensable, irreplaceable, funny. Best.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  El temor al abandono de los adultos.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.102)

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