lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

How to catch the elusive male

The elusive male usually give up when assigned the role of Teacher. Quickly see the makeshift seduced by Galatea Pygmalion.

Mythology is a collection of stories, tales, legends, in which fabulous stories, amazing characters, heroic, wonderful, unusual narrated.

Maybe all peoples have their mythology but only some of these collections of myths have transcended to get to this day.

It is said that a king of Cyprus named Pygmalion, was very demanding, to the point that was already made ​​up my mind that I would never find such a perfect woman who induces him to marry her.

So he spent his ability as a sculptor to carve a statue of perfect woman. So well did the job that he loved his ivory statue, which he named Galatea.

As everything is possible in mythology, a goddess gave birth to the beautiful building and the lover she married sculptor.

This argument is literally very good: the man who falls for a woman educated by him.

But reality is always stranger than fiction, it is realistic to talk about something we might call the strategy Galatea.

As I mentioned several times, women, like other mammalian females, when ovulated (in heat) is the man who seduces the father preferred for their children.

Some males are more difficult than others and with them the women who have chosen to work a little harder than most.

What I call the strategy is to love Galatea Mr. posing as ignorant, but interested in being educated by him.

The elusive male usually fall asleep when assigned the role of Teacher. Quickly see the makeshift seduced by Galatea Pygmalion.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Cómo atrapar al varón huidizo.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.099)

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