lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

We charge what we pay them

Our suppliers are not satisfied with earning the bare minimum but try to charge the most you are willing to pay.

I buy most of the food in a small shop in my neighborhood. Not that I have better deals than the big supermarkets, but I offer a special deal : they know my name, some of my obsessions and hobbies, some of my predilections and left me know which bothered some customers.

Apparently, some do not care and pay your credit debts with abusive irregularity. More precisely, some have abandoned your customers leaving a hefty unpaid debt.

When the merchant began to tell this detail of his life something put me on alert.

As often happen to people who are enthusiastic about telling a story, stopped paying attention to my reactions as interlocutor.

I'm sure my face must have changed expression and even color : o I turned pale or blushed. But Mr. Fulano continued telling me that left an unpaid debt so much that Fulana left an unpaid debt of both, and so with several people in the neighborhood.

When my discomfort over the issue rose too had to interrupt him to say, "You and I know that these unpaid debts ended up paying them who buy every day paying with cash. To fall back almost certainly are increasing the prices of the goods that you buy good payers".

The man reacted like electrocuted, but his nobility and shame forced to acknowledge that indeed he was confessing to a victim (me ) how he had to sacrifice a bit by charging more to recover what others did not pay.

I telling you this same a niece, said, "Traders will always charge the maximum that you can pay".

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Nos cobrarán todo lo que les paguemos.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.095)

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