viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

The pettiness of the perfectionist

Perfectionists citizens are irresponsible, selfish and cowardly citizens.

To be a good citizen is essential to believe that:

- The error is a moral obligation;

- Go Wrong is an ethical commitment and

- For the sake of honesty, we have to be unjust.

To reinforce this crazy proposal, say:

- Refusing to make mistakes is reprehensible;

- It is unethical to avoid mistakes, and finally,

- The citizen who admits no injustice is dishonest.

What does this rigmarole mean?

The explanation of these statements is summarized in a vulgar phrase, "The perfect is the enemy of the good".

1) "The error is a moral obligation" because those who are not willing to make mistakes will have the worst attitude: Do nothing, sit out and not get involved, stay away, wash your hands.

2) "Error is an ethical commitment" by the same reason as above but from the point of view of a philosophy of responsible living. As is almost inevitable mistake accept it involves exposure to a great effort. Because no one will want to be wrong, is an act of generosity face what would avoid personal responsibility provided to social commitments have called.

3) "For the sake of honesty, we have to be unfair" because we can never ensure perfection in anything. When we have no choice but to try a similar, we must make a commitment to commit an injustice because, if we are to avoid us these risks, we would try to avoid a commitment pure meanness and cowardice.

Except for disabled children, none of us is exempt from engaging with what happens to the group that we integrate, but evasion is almost authorized for those who base their irresponsibility, saying, "If I do what I do well and if I can not get it right then do nothing".

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La mezquindad del perfeccionista.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.128)

Neither socialism nor capitalism

Among many causes of poverty, one might fail the people as organized or as socialists or capitalists.

We hope that members of a family made ​​the largest contribution (in cash, labor, care) and that, in turn, make the least possible expenditure of resources sharing.

Socialism proposes to apply this model to the whole society. Capitalism no.

The socialist model proposes that organized people live like one big family and capitalism proposes that organized people live as if in a for-profit company.

The differences between the two models are both sufficient to have supporters and detractors. Some wish to live life in a family (socialism) and others want to strictly apply that model to achieve home form.

It seems that socialism without democracy works well, and works well if a family leadership (father, mother, elder son) is preserved throughout the years.

In other words, it is possible to think and live like a family where there is a permanent president, a dictator, a tyrant, or any other non-democratic figure.

On the contrary, capitalism is not possible without democracy, without private property, without free movement of goods and people, without freedom of association, of expression, of worship.

Now I propose a cause (thousands) of poverty:

Tyrannies are not efficient to boost productivity. Therefore the socialist family model requires a people who adhere to poverty without rebelling against the tyrant. The tyrannized peoples are often poor.

In turn, democratic regimes are so weak that, freedoms that are granted to allow socialist performances, delaying as much as possible to tell the people that welfare is an individual achievement that depends on what each brings a wealth collective.

As is too unfriendly proclaim "Citizens, everyone is settled as I can!" (Which would mean losing popularity and votes), half-truths with a third type of social organization, characterized by not being achieved or implemented a family or a business but a place where time passes and politicians only care about staying in powerand citizens to fend for themselves!

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Ni socialismo y capitalismo.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.110)

jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

The body of a loved one is ours

We believe that the body of our loved ones (spouse, children, parents...), belongs to us. That's why we care so much when we do not seem to care adequately.

"Watch out, Grandma!" Said the young man saw that the old woman had tripped and he could not prevent the fall.

We all understand this instinctive reaction, but could not substantiate their true utility.

Why this young man, or anyone who would have been in your situation, issues a warning as delayed as unnecessary?

Answers ( probable):

1) The grandson tried not to be responsible for the accident of his grandmother. If someone you care recriminate not having enough, he could claim something like "!Told him to be careful”;

2) Although the boy cares little old lady 's health, morals forced him to have a humanitarian impulse;

3) In many cultures, (and grandson could belong to one of them), people usually say goodbye to another recommending something as unnecessary as "Beware!" Regardless we all care, we breathe, we eat...

4) We usually pronounce exclamations such as Ey!, Noo!, Stop!, Because the shock or surprise of an unexpected event that causes us reflex reaction, such as blinking, reverse or move his hands defensively. If the young man was very identified with Grandma, he felt he had encountered and mean: "Caution, Grandma! You make me fall".

Notice how the filial love includes attitudes that limit the freedom and privacy of the loved.

The main cause of this is the aforementioned interference with the other identification. If we have the feeling that other's bodies belong to us, we need to care more carefully than ours do not always trust the other things take care of the outside as much as their own.

I say otherwise care generally own more property than others. Assuming this feature as ours, we sense that others you have that feature. If we want the other's body as their own, then the other goes to a foreign body (it is added). For this we need to look after him expressly say.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El cuerpo de un ser querido nos pertenece.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.127)

Barter trinkets for precious metals

When international agencies issued statements disapproving lighted the gap between rich and poor repeat the same scam perpetrated the invaders when bartered for precious metal trinkets.

According to historians were when the Spaniards came to America they found naive and hospitable natives. Were it not so, now we would not have so many descendants of Europeans.

In other words, those who have some Spanish, Italian and Portuguese ancestry, French, Polish, Romanian, Russian, and other ethnic groups eurásicas, carry in our genes that initial abuse that took advantage of the naivety and hospitality of Native Americans.

Those Indians were filled with snake oil and invaders filled with gold and silver. Both made big business. Both were smart and lucky. Both boasted to his friends: "Look at the business I did!"

With our vision of the 21st century, we think that the Indians were fools and that the invaders were smart. We think mirrors and other trinkets had little value compared to gold and silver.

If I may now take an intellectual leap, I ask this question : When ministers of economy, wealthy businessmen and even presidents of countries, pompously together to finish issuing a statement full of beautiful words, are not repeating that unscrupulous transaction between indigenous and invasive?

I think so: words and snake oil are qualitatively identical.

When these great personalities fear social unrest, triggered because the gap between rich and poor is obscene, collect a lot of nice words and through the lucrative network broadcast journalism, the spread among disadvantaged naive before them angry and cause a capital loss.

Assume that the rich and the poor can be classified as 'good and bad', respectively, is almost inevitable, but changing the facts, (obscenity of the economic gap), by words, we take that first transaction legitimize trinkets for precious metals.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):Trueque de baratijas por metales preciosos.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.109)

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Journalism encourages ignorance

All criticize low education levels, but certain communicators make money flattering the ignorant.

In Latin America we complain about the low level of education that our people have. When we are judged by massive international evidence is clear that we have much to improve.

The reasons for this lag are many, many of which probably have little to do with budget allocated to education, the low professional level of teachers, inefficient management of human resources in charge of education.

There are also political reasons. It is false that politicians wish to govern a town illustrated fashioned able to analyze, critique and communicate effectively verbally and in writing. Politicians remember that almost all revolutions begin in the most socially educated layers. The ignorant people are easily controllable, have authoritarian governments and the state controls the lives of all.

Governance are easier when most are gullible, low frustration tolerance, childish enough to be guided by the "love is power”, predominantly magical thinking that leads to having religious, dogmatic, superstitious beliefs, predisposed to idealize any sufficiently charismatic character.

Observe what happens to the media.

On many occasions, we receive reviews that try to make us believe that the rulers are fools, if the reader will take his place would make things better; levels ridiculousness of the leaders are unusually comical, that the rich are all corrupt and thieves that teachers make nonsense that no reader, with minimal education would.

This journalism is telling the ignorant : you possess true wisdom, knowing you were born, no need to waste time studying what you know is better than the powerful decision makers.

I am inclined to think that we have a strong hypocrisy: we all agree that we need to increase levels of mass education, but certain communicators make money flattering the ignorant.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El periodismo alienta la ignorancia.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.126)

The business of alarm and reassurance

News organizations alarmed us and reassuring for your business and also so that nothing changes.

Cursa January 2014 and for the umpteenth time there meeting people (1) to solve the problem of poverty.

This time the data that has attracted the largest newspaper says 85 people amplification own half of the property of the entire world population.

The media do their business and this depends on the scandal, the terrible news, fear, threats, concerns.

Generally, these entrepreneurs first broadcast communication frightening news, rumors then soothing after shocking forecasts, then reassuring statements, and so until some other topic that will generate another seesaw neural information consumers.

The body and mind have similar performances together. Keep in mind that the only thing we have to do is keep us as individuals and as a species (2).

In this last objective (conservation of the species ), sexuality is the main function. This is the male organ in and out of the vagina until the friction causes a fertilizer ejaculation. That's it.

The heart brings and ejects the blood, lungs and bring expel air, eat and hours later evacuated, are born and die for others to born, perhaps using abandoned by some other living materials.

This seesaw, with this come - and - go with this life - death - rebirth, "everything changes for business as usual".

Rivers of ink and saliva are spent on these meetings to the 85 continued as they were richer and poorer half of the population is at risk of falling into wealth (say it right ).

(1) Ver artículo periodístico sobre el Foro Económico Mundial

(2) Ver blog con artículos referidos a La única misión.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El negocio de alarmar y tranquilizar.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.108)

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Portfolio sets and shoes

Women like to buy matching purses and shoes to meet the unconscious desire to feel omnipotent, able to self-fertilize (hermaphrodites).

This article is a popular belief, according to which the majority of women like to buy handbags and shoes whose designs belong to the same aesthetic category, ie that match.

What does ’belong to the same aesthetic category’, or match? It means that, if they were human bodies, belong to the same person. For example, my left arm goes with my right arm, my hair color matches the color of my skin. Would not play a big hand and other small game and not do eyes and nose owl man's body.

Therefore, returning to the first paragraph, we can now say that "most women like to buy handbags and shoes such that, if they were human bodies, seem to belong to the same person".

The idea that I try to tell them is: they have this preference could be explained psychoanalytically assuming they display like uterus (portfolio) and penis (shoes) that match to prove they belong to their own body, which he formed with a set harmonious, natural.

It is likely that many wish to be hermaphrodites, ie able to self-fertilize (1). If they could do without men they would pleased.

Moreover, if others feel that a woman with purse and matching shoes is well dressed, we're thinking that we really like their body uterus and penis.

I add something else: we humans like they were hermaphrodites because we would like Mom to gestarnos, had not had sex with dad.

Finally, I add : In the great Christian believers legend was pleased thinking that at least someone (Jesus) was fertilized without the mother had sexually enjoyed with father (Immaculate Conception).

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los conjuntos de cartera y zapatos.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.125)

A sense of unspeakable poverty

The incest prohibition generates, in many people, a subjective feeling of unspeakable poverty.

Envy (1) is the title of a blog in which I collect items that relate to that feeling.

Recall that objects do not envy but imagine the happiness in who owns the object we wish to possess.

When someone imagines that envy is a car or a house or cause physical beauty that the envied person look so happy. The envious assumed that if possessed that magical object would reach the happiness of its owner.

The tenth commandment enjoins Christians not to covet the property of others, but humans do not covet objects but the welfare that they would be able to generate on its possessor.

Many people are poor because they lack objectively what we all need to make a living: food, shelter, and little else.

Many people are poor but not objectively devoid of what we all need to live on. Why would anyone feel poor even if humanly decent living?

An answer to the above question is the focus of this article.

Someone may feel subjectively poor because of the prohibition of incest. Who has enough to live decently can feel poor and destitute if you can not have your mom just for him/her.

Governments struggling unsuccessfully to reduce inequalities in the distribution of wealth, economists spend much of their studies to the same goal: to reduce inequalities between rich and poor. There are many international organizations that seek to close the socio-economic gap between different social classes.

All these efforts have been almost useless because of the difference can be really irritating not to mention "Daddy is rich because it enjoys with mom and I am poor because I do not enjoy with Mom".

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Una inconfesable sensación de pobreza.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.107)

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Friendship between women and men

Men and women can not be friends by the silly belief that they should always try to conquer them.

On several occasions I 've said, and I repeat now, that women and men are so different that they should be studied as if we belonged to different species.

However, despite being so different, we could be friends, but this becomes very difficult precisely because we do not know.

Males believe that we always have to besiege, woo, cajole, seduce women close to us, unless they are first-degree relatives (parents with children, siblings together).

The prohibition of incest is that blocks the male urge to sleep with any woman walk by.

This attitude stems from an error that attempt to describe.

The mistake we make is thinking men and women they have sex with whom the conquest. This is why we can not be friends.

Several articles (1) I told them that women, like any other mammalian female is what attracts males when in estrus (ovulating). Actually the human female chooses a single male to father her children just one. All others were excluded and could still be friends because the sex drive among us would not exist, nor between friends of the same sex.

If men knew that we are wasting time when asediamos a woman and if we assume that she will choose only one for the father of her children would not have to try to conquer all rather than be his friends.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La amistad entre mujeres y hombres.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.124)

The vacuum is more important than full

It is conceivable that the stomach and uterus are the most important for the conservation of individual species and organs.

If we are wrong, and we should be better, we can not keep repeating the same criteria and procedures that have brought us to this situation.

This article is aimed at those who struggle to be dissatisfied better.

Needless to say that any new idea is so worthless as a newborn. Both the new idea as the little baby need to be developed because they work only when they are born and cause costs.

The newborn thought exactly says: "What is more productive is empty what's full."

I'm thinking only in humans, the brain is full but is less productive than an empty stomach, because it compels us to produce food, the heart is full but is less productive than an empty uterus that allows us to re-produce us.

Of course we can not ignore or brain or heart because these organs are essential auxiliary productive phenomenon that allows us to retain each individual and essential reproductive phenomenon that allows us to preserve the species.

As the preservation and conservation of individual species are our Unique Quest (1), we conclude that our vital organs are the stomach and uterus, while the brain and heart are as vital as any other vital organs for keep alive our anatomy.

So, as I said above, "What is vacuum (embarazable hungry stomach and uterus), is more productive than what is full (the brain is full of neurons and the heart is full of blood)."

(1) Ver blog destinado a La única misión.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Lo vacío es más importante que lo lleno.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.106)

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

Public safety and irresponsibility

When citizens felt very safe we become irresponsible.

In another article entitled Human instability I commented that, being bipedal (supported on two legs), suffer a sense of widespread instability, with a diffuse but persistent fear of falling, not only the ground but also a temptation to ruin economic, in sickness and other misfortunes.

Note that children fall often without consequences.

May explain this kid thinking feature not yet learned to walk, your bones and cartilage are so flexible that very effectively cushion any fall. We can also say that they, by their small size, are closer to the floor and even could suppose that, being light, is hit when they fall more smoothly. All these might be acceptable explanations for why children encounter more frequently than adults.

However, we could add an additional cause less obvious.

Children have less responsibility than adults. Small sobrentienden you should not worry about themselves and soon are others who understand that we must address to solve their problems.

In other words, children often fall more than adults for several reasons, including because they are less responsible for themselves.

This would explain why the adults, we live in a paternalistic protector, guarantor regime creates irresponsible adults, indolent, negligent. Also so we can understand why bureaucracies are so inefficient.

Conclusion : When citizens felt very safe we become irresponsible.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Seguridad ciudadana e irresponsabilidad.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.123)

No socio-economic differences, do we extinguish?

What if our species is conserved because there are rich and poor? What if our species in danger of extinction due to lack of socio-economic inequalities?

Why, when we have to solve a problem that affects many interests, formed a team (commission) with at least one member representing each of those interests?

Answer: because humans understand 100% of what affects us, and a scant 1% of what affects us NO.

What happens to us humans when one of the parties is Nature itself?

Response: there is no one able to authentically represent the Nature that role is vacant and up the committee contemplated that little 1% that you are interested in Nature.

Conclusion: When caring for the environment is literally trashed Nature.

Happily we almost insignificanates and our negligence we just slightly disturbs the powerful nature.

Almost all human beings struggle, one way or another, to combat poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness human beings. Not only fighting against the scarcity of material goods but also strive to avoid irritating inequalities between rich and poor.

What would you think an imaginary representative of Nature?

Given that this unsuccessful attempt to eradicate poverty and economic inequality is millennia old, the imaginary representative of Nature might say to us: "Do not waste time, humans! For the human species today has 7,000 million copies are essential poverty and socio-economic inequalities”.

Everything can be!

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Sin diferencias socio-económicas ¿nos estinguiríamos?

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.105)

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Bill Gates enjoys before dying

The proposed super-billionaires Bill Gates and his wife (pictured) model is an imitation of what they propose to their poor churches faithful: "Let the rich now enjoy earthly life but you expect to enjoy after death".

Bill and Melinda Gates are a marriage that draws much attention, not only because they have one of the largest fortunes in the world, but also because they like to advertise that their generous donations and strive for attention.

In this state and given the religious mentality with most humans, it is easy to believe that they are intelligent and caring people. Something rather like God but more tangible, visible and demonstrable existence.

This supernatural marriage issues for newspapers reported that natural simple, like you and me, take note, learn, informed us.

You can read the last statement ( 2014 courses ) in an article entitled
LaRed21-World: "By the year 2035 there will be almost no poor country in the world".

While many of us do not get to live this fantastic future, it is good to note that a forecast in 21 years is very risky when you consider that it is impossible to know what will happen tomorrow.

But something positive has this forecast: surely stimulate and, today, in 2014, the hope of the optimists who accelerate the computerization of their businesses and homes.

As the fortunes of this intelligent and caring marriage was achieved thanks to the companies that provide resources, this letter dropping on terrestrial beings like you and me, is a good way of marketing leaving happy thanks to illusion.

In 21 years no one will remember the message of hope but Gates companies increase profits now.

The proposed super - billionaires Bill Gates and his wife model is an imitation of what they propose to their poor churches faithful: "Let the rich now enjoy earthly life but you expect to enjoy after death".

Nota: O texto original em espanhol (sem tradução do Google):  Bill Gates disfruta antes de morir.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.104)

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Human instability

Our psyche, emotions, character, would be very different if we could walk on four legs.

If true what Charles Darwin thought, humans are modified monkeys. Therefore, shoulder part of the point: WE ARE APES, ie monkeys.

We have great similarities but there is something that filled our lives with simple, lost support in all four legs. Would feel much safer if we had the full support!, We would avoid much anguish!, How reassuring balance would feel better with a distributed database support (on all four legs)!

Mental consequences of having a good support are hardly imaginable. Or rather, almost never think that we are so vulnerable because we have such a small (foot) base.

Of course, with this vertical design, we have hands to do things, to grab something if we fall, to build solutions that compensate our instability.

In fact also gain the ability to watch: as we have eyes located in a high place we can see farther than other animals that have eyes closer to the ground.

But my professional bias, (I 'm a psychologist), I think much predisposes affective emotional, intellectual. If you walk in four legs would feel safer and we would not be so aggressive, suspicious, violent. If we had eyes closer to the ground, we would not be so arrogant as to look at other animals as inferior.

In short, we won and we lost. You are now : we can not go back. Continue to feel this fear of falling, caused because we have a rather inefficient base. We fear falling into temptations, in economic ruin, in disease and a grave, of course.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La inestabilidad humana.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.121)

Most function as slaves

I do not think I exaggerate when I say that Christians, who constitute the absolute majority of members of Western culture, work as slaves.

More than half of the world population professes Christian ideas. In turn, among Christians, the Catholic Church is the most powerful.

Whatever you think, think and do so many people, it affects us all whether we like it or not like.

Single, feelings and attitudes weigh heavily in the design of culture, especially Western, because it contains the highest number of Christians-Catholics.

To try to understand ourselves observe something happens to the majority of religious people. I refer specifically to the ten commandments, which, if I may compare, constitute something like the OS of those people. Are the basic instructions that comply, obey and, inadvertently seek to impose on all mankind.

Note that the first three commandments say:

1-Love God above all things;
2-Do not take the name of God in vain;
3-keep holy the Lord's day.

If the commandments are 10 and three are devoted to obedience to God, we can say that the main commands are dedicated to impose submission, submission, respect and probably a little scared.

Moreover, as are the first 3 commandments, this hierarchical location further increases its importance. I dare to say that, if we take into account the location in the first three places, every Christian should spend most of their interest, concern, care, work, commitment, dedication, fulfill, obey, worship, worship.

I do not think I exaggerate when I say that Christians, who constitute the absolute majority of members of Western culture, work as slaves.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La mayoría funcionamos como esclavos.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.103)

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

About how many friends

This seems a very pessimistic approach, butthink about it!, remove their own accounts and see that it is a realistic proposition.

Disillusionment causes much pain! And sometimes you just not illusions.

Perhaps this is the only solution. It's like those who indulge put under the influence of drugs (alcohol, marijuana, cocaine) and then have to suffer the discomfort of a hangover.

I will comment on how to avoid eating some illusion.

We all need to be loved. This is the first step to spare some disappointment : assume that we are big consumers of love, approval, recognition, pampering, tenderness, seeing, touching.

Assume that we are so independent that we can dispense with the affection is an illusion of omnipotence which, sooner or early, we will fall painfully.

Some are deluded thinking like a dog or a cat is the same as a human. Unfortunately it is not the same eyes of these beautiful animals that such a caring company.

Another way to avoid us deceiving illusions is to be realistic with expectations.

I explain better: Out of 100 people I know, my illusion suggests that the 100 I think they love me, admire me, pamper me. If it were a little more realistic would have to assume that, in fact, I might appreciate just 20 people, and if even a little more realistic, you would assume that I can have a real friendship with no more than 3 (three).

If our heart we can not accept sincerely befriend more than 3 percent of those who know would suffer less disappointment.

This seems a very pessimistic approach, butthink about it!, Remove their own accounts and see that it is a realistic proposition.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Sobre la cantidad de amigos.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.120)

Do not covet

If anyone has morally forbidden envy ("covet your neighbor's goods"), is also unable to find similar distributional inequalities.

In the article entitled Dineropsi Economic inequalities (1), I say :

"If the majority of humans professes Christian ideas and organize your life to achieve eternal life in the final judgment, then we can assume that most people try to improve their earthly life individually, ie, to be achieved (for himself and family), which will allow a dignified existence, not caring very little inequality".

Christians who devote their effort to find individual solutions to access what they really care about, that is, "to gain eternal life at the Last Judgment" are fulfilling the Tenth Commandment, which says:

"Do not covet."

This Commandment is directly intended to inhibit, block or neutralize envy.

This feeling, which leads us to wanting to see Seizure 's goods, is severely criticized by Christian morality. Seems so despicable that no atman to think long about it.

Envy, when viewed with serenity, lets us know what we can reasonably aspire as the like already have what they need.

Not always envious conform to destroy the happiness of others not to suffer the inconvenience of envy. Some feel envious healthy encouraged to work to get those others have already achieved.

However, if you read carefully the first paragraph, we see that the repudiation of envy is what keeps Christians uninterested in inequality, because to perceive distributive injustice must see and feel others are better. If anyone has morally forbidden envy ("covet your neighbor's goods"), is also unable to find some like to be better than others.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  No codiciarás los bienes ajenos.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.102)

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Women who self- fruitful

If a woman feels omnipotent may have unconscious fantasy of believing father of her children.

According to legend, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2010, the Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa wrote several plays, but first made ​​her disappear unpresentable. Sure, he was only 16.

The second, however, features its adoption and approval of many readers and teatroespectadores: Mademoiselle de Tacna.

That was written by a Nobel Prize and has been released in Buenos Aires with the leading role by Norma Aleandro are two reasons to pay attention.

The main story is told in two acts that make the work has to do with a woman who was maid because, minutes before she married, she learned that her boyfriend had had carnal relations with another woman.

In several articles and videos I referred to jealousy and infidelity. Clearly these issues attract my attention, I am concerned, distressed me.

Would not surprise me that my parents have experienced some trouble because he was notoriously elegant and seductive. However, if some infidelity happened, my mother did not those of Mademoiselle de Tacna but preferred to have a child gestated for him, it's me.

Although it seems crazy, you may think that as fundamentalist as male monogamy women are unaware that he is actually a body part of them fantasy.

Hermaphroditism is the condition of self- fertilization that have some living things. If a woman has enough to keep immaturity infantile omnipotence, is very likely to have this unconscious fantasy: the father of her children is itself and the lives infidelity as amputation.

Similar theme in:

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  La mujer que se auto-fecunda.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.119)

Christian individualism

Christianity proposes to reject wealth. In addition, many poor are pure selfishness Christian, although hypocritically be generous.

Most of the western population professes any Christian religion, believes that Christ is El Salvador and other issues clearly irrational, but that does not sound harmless to most believers.

Indeed, among the believers in these Christian religions find people who love mathematics, physics, logic, computer science. We found people who, besides Christianity, professing severe precautions to remain consistent.

Therefore, although some say that the religious attitude is not a matter of intelligence and reasoning, but it is a phenomenon of faith, we see that in practice, behavior, actions and decisions are guided by the preaching of Jesus and its interpreters.

These attitudes, I believe, greatly favor the poverty of millions. Not only because Christianity professes humility, mercy, solidarity, selflessness toward material wealth, austerity, frugality, condemning the waste, the mismanagement, the waste, but because, incredibly, proposes an individualistic solution to achieve the most important goal: eternal life after death.

According to most Christians believe that when the time of reckoning comes, acts of earthly life will be judged individually. Each must defend as possible.

Therefore, although these good deeds will accumulate beneficial score final judgment in the case, including " love others as himself," we can not lose sight of the political benefactor mentioned aims only saved capitalize loans, enriched with good deeds.

In short: although the preaching is proposed collectivist attitude is individualistic: it save oneself. Many poor are pure selfishness Christian, although hypocritically be generous.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  El individualismo cristiano.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.101)

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Less motherhood and consumption

Because we and many humans, Nature discourages our reproductive desire and prodding us to be consumerist comforts.

Psychoanalysis would function as a magnifying glass that allows to see more of what can be seen without it.

Some, pompously called the depth psychology because they imagine that it is possible to know more (deeper) of the psyche.

I'm into this some. I have this belief offset by another belief: that beliefs are personal, transient truths, calming us when this anxiety is caused by ignorance.

Perhaps we all agree that uncertainty (feeling derived from ignorance, ignorance), is distressing. We may also agree that we get to study, investigate, learn, mobilized by that annoying feeling (anxiety).

In this state of things I share with you an idea built into psychoanalytic theory, which aims to calm the anxiety caused by uncertainty.

It is distressing to feel that we do not treat our children well, that sometimes we leave for others to care, sometimes we do not want to listen, sometimes, by their conduct, we Madden.

The reality we face is as it is because it is part of a global, planetary, natural, universal harmony. Everything works like a huge clock that tells the exact time.

We are a little room of this huge mechanism and autonomy is such that we can not alter its perfection. Everything we do is governed by the accuracy of the machine.

Although for small little room is not possible to understand the complete mechanism, let's try:

We may not have the patience to raise our children because we are already seven billion human beings and nature, (the universal mechanism), he began to discourage our reproductive desire. We are comforted prodding consumerism.

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Video titulado La ansiedad adaptativa

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Menos maternidad y más consumo.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.118)