sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Bill Gates enjoys before dying

The proposed super-billionaires Bill Gates and his wife (pictured) model is an imitation of what they propose to their poor churches faithful: "Let the rich now enjoy earthly life but you expect to enjoy after death".

Bill and Melinda Gates are a marriage that draws much attention, not only because they have one of the largest fortunes in the world, but also because they like to advertise that their generous donations and strive for attention.

In this state and given the religious mentality with most humans, it is easy to believe that they are intelligent and caring people. Something rather like God but more tangible, visible and demonstrable existence.

This supernatural marriage issues for newspapers reported that natural simple, like you and me, take note, learn, informed us.

You can read the last statement ( 2014 courses ) in an article entitled
LaRed21-World: "By the year 2035 there will be almost no poor country in the world".

While many of us do not get to live this fantastic future, it is good to note that a forecast in 21 years is very risky when you consider that it is impossible to know what will happen tomorrow.

But something positive has this forecast: surely stimulate and, today, in 2014, the hope of the optimists who accelerate the computerization of their businesses and homes.

As the fortunes of this intelligent and caring marriage was achieved thanks to the companies that provide resources, this letter dropping on terrestrial beings like you and me, is a good way of marketing leaving happy thanks to illusion.

In 21 years no one will remember the message of hope but Gates companies increase profits now.

The proposed super - billionaires Bill Gates and his wife model is an imitation of what they propose to their poor churches faithful: "Let the rich now enjoy earthly life but you expect to enjoy after death".

Nota: O texto original em espanhol (sem tradução do Google):  Bill Gates disfruta antes de morir.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.104)

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