jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

The bad guys are now good

For those who feel inhibited about having bad intentions, it is encouraging that some successful characters do as well.

My intention is to write and communicate through video some ideas that are not on other sites. I turn away anyone who attempts than usual, to anyone looking for the unusual, especially those who do not want more of the same.

Fix For what says the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of the word "sublimate" (1):

1) enlarge, exalt, glorify or give up.
2) Go directly from solid to vapor.

Also notice that the same dictionary says the word 'sublime' (2):

1) High, eminent, extraordinary lift. (Also Usase) moral or intellectual things. It says especially mental conceptions and literary and artistic productions or what in them is distinctive characters admirable grandeur and simplicity. It also applies to people. Speaker, writer, painter sublime.

In psychology called "sublimate" conversion, recycling, our worst intentions in other socially accepted and not legally punishable. In other words, in sublimate is apparently good turn seemingly bad in us.

For examples:

- A serial killer of birth, can sublimate their vocation seems bad to another seemingly good, overturning passionately toward surgery;

- An evil fundamentalist sexuality conceived not only reproductive but is pleased with paraphilias (animalism, fetishism, pedophilia), can be dedicated to priesthood seemingly spinning their bad intentions toward others that are apparently good.

This article aims to point out that even if you are worried and inhibited by their evil intentions, for their negative feelings, condemnable, criminal, you might think that probably (not sure), respectable characters in their knowledge and like you, have achieved apparently become acceptable their bad intentions.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los malos que ahora son buenos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.860)

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