miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

The benefit of the tragedies unknown

If we often see the same accident, the same fire, the same terrorist attack, we will think that these tragedies benefit us, but do not know how.

Mammals modify our behavior from their experiences.

Spanish speakers say: "Whoever burns see a cow milk and cries."

This proverb adds another concept: pain is a reinforcer of these pedagogical changes.

"The law and spoil," once said a pious evangelist who improved the speed and irreversibility of his teachings causing more pain in those procrastinating tattoo that wonderful doctrine.

The physical torture, to extract information useful both to implement it, depend on the phenomenon of pain and 'repetition'.

"A lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth" taught us the infamous Nazi ideologues and never fail to obey the blonde wisdom.

But, and this is the core of this article, when the teaching method is repeated until mortification, is generated in our bodies a teaching furthermore, it was not planned and was not part of any plan evangelist, indoctrination, propaganda.

Put another way, if we see that we are being educated and that our behaviors change when repeatedly receive any information, "learn" that we are told, instilled, taught, is for our good and that "we should" incorporate perhaps secretly hoping that the issuer, (TV, radio, posters), stop aburridores overwhelm us with their messages.

If we feel that we repeat: "Drink Coca-Cola", "Quit smoking", "Use condoms", "Vote John Doe", surely imagine that because they want the best for us. That's why advertising works and generates changes.

Similarly, if we see many times the same accident, the same fire, the same terrorist attack, we will think that these tragedies also benefit us, but do not know how.

Nota: O texto original em espanhol (sem tradução do Google): El desconocido beneficio de las tragedias.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.871)

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