viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

The prohibitions and punishments stimulants

So does our psyche. So that stimulate prohibitive laws and punishments prohibiting further stimulate them.

Conventional wisdom says that "humans are children of rigor" and it is true, just as our culture supports the prejudice that truths are expressed exclusively when speaking with a record doctoral academic and pompous, we think this assertion is an opinion, a mere gossip or things that people repeat.

The popular expression "we are children of rigor" might be expressed by saying that the psyche is energized by repression, or that human energy depends largely on the inhibitions imposed by society, or that the intensity of desire depends on the obstacles opposed to your satisfaction.

Like humans intuit psychologists and psychologists that this is so, human engineers invented the hydroelectric dams that are nothing more than a metaphor of psychological repression.

Indeed, the brake flow artificially brought water flowing through a river basin, is a form of repression, is the metaphor of the prohibition of incest.

I repeat no metaphor: the prohibition of incest is a brake artificially brought sex for the sole purpose of enhancing its intensity.

This prohibition is equivalent to the wall that crosses a river for water accumulation (desire) to generate beneficial consequences for those who built it.

As we see, if we ban certain expression of sexuality provoke an increase of this function, with which each individual, instead of having one or two children with their mother or your sister may have six or seven with any other woman.

So does our psyche. So that stimulate prohibitive laws and punishments prohibiting further stimulate them.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las prohibiciones y los castigos estimulantes.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.873)

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