miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

We can only know love

To avoid what hurts us we need to know and love is the only feeling that lets us know.

As I do not think there are magical ingredients in our makeup as human animals, are beyond my intellectual grasp ideas such as soul, spirit and God. Simply do not understand. The most I get to do with them is "knowing" that many human beings believe in their existence and act as if these substances were non-substances.

I do believe that we ignore too much of our planet in which we ourselves, especially the psyche that is very difficult to access because it has to look at itself.

Emotions appear to be chemical reactions that cause us mental images that are often attractive (love) or repulsive (hatred). Being attractive and tend to approximate those that are repulsive to lead us away.

When we try to understand our environment to improve our adaptation, we are influenced by these emotions (feelings), becoming real obstacles because both love and hate us closer or away from what we like to hear.

I imagine someone trying to thread a needle standing on a boat, at sunset (low light) and in an area of ​​high waves. More specifically I'm thinking of how humans try to understand the phenomenon of crime, shaken by the fury that cause us the thugs. This feeling of rejection prevents us from making a reliable observation ("threading the needle").

Fighting crime, (or disease), takes us away from the object of study and so we can not know, that is, appeal procedures based on ignorance.

As we can only know love (approaching), any real solution will be to improve our ability to find ways of coexistence adaptive as pleasant as possible.

Nota: O texto original em espanhol (sem tradução do Google): Solo podemos conocer amando.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.864)

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