The culture hinders us know our true economic value is determined to interpret because it is always a bribe.
The value of a commodity or service is determined by its ability to satisfy a need or a desire.
Because ultimately the only thing that matters is our kind (because we have the mission of preserving [1]), it may be appropriate to accept that the value of a human being is also determined by its ability to meet the needs and desires of other beings human.
We are reluctant to mention the idea that people have an economic value. Perhaps fear feel confused with a "thing", with an "object".
If we can not address the issue that we have an economic value and that we would be paid according to him, our ability to negotiate participation in global wealth are drastically reduced.
The socialist approach whereby each should receive what you need is notoriously an ideal, is one of those useless wishful fit only for the most needy and naive indefinitely postpone actions to get what they deserve.
It is outrageous to see how many people are satisfied when a populist politician says he is fighting to get him back to what it has not yet agreed.
Citizens should face realistically the economic value we deserve, considering that I mentioned at the beginning: our ability to meet the needs and desires of others.
The popular phrase "Everyone has their price, just need to know what is', is an obstacle to a realistic value us because what is actually connotes" Everyone is corrupt, you just need to know what the amount of the bribes charged. "
Note: Original
in Spanish (without translation by Google): Tenemos
prohibido valorarnos económicamente.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.840)
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