jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

We want to be unique as a mom

People crave a spouse monogamous monogamous because "there is a single mother" and God is monotheistic.

Nothing is more important than Mom. This character of our history has reason enough to be the queen of our lives, but that does not mean we should get along with it.

Like all strong ties, they can be encouraged (stimulated) by feelings of attraction (love) and rejection (hate). In both cases, the image of the other occupies a valuable place in our psyche.

I repeat: a link can be very strong when based on feelings of attraction and when based on feelings of rejection, because in both cases the character (loved or hated) occupies the most important place in our minds and the most eminent of every nation has a monument in the most visible, most visited, most beautiful.

Therefore, we are all emotionally linked in one way or another, with Jesus of Nazareth, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Osama Bin Laden, and any others you find in your memory.

It is also possible to say that any mention, to speak for or to speak against, evokes the character, it brings to mind, what exhibits. For example, if you really want to forget humanity Augusto Pinochet Ernesto Guevara or simply fall into oblivion.

The actual disappearance occurs only with indifference ... both of the dead and of the living.

I return to the original subject: Mom is universally the most important character in our lives.

As "mother is a single" all who yearn to occupy this place in the minds of others, are also trying to be unique, exclusive.

People want to have multiple spouses polygamous but be unique (as Mom) for each spouse; medicine wants to monopolize the health care and to God demands monotheism.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Queremos ser únicos como mamá.

(This is the Article No. 1784)

The importance of small businesses

This is an old story, classic márquetin conferences, but with an additional conclusion about the importance of small businesses.

A business consultant came to give one of his lectures when I repeat anecdote was not yet as well known as now.

The man, with many gestures of magician, put on his desk a glass jar with a wide mouth.

Then, without changing the flamboyant style of his movements, put several large rocks in sight of all, to immediately begin to put it into the jar.

With only three container proved not to admit any more, then asked, "We have filled the bottle?, Would it be a stone?", To which all responded with a "No!" Sign.

The "magician", rolled up his jacket and white shirt on the desk to put another set of smaller stones than before. Sending a smiling nasty look, began putting pebbles in places that were left unoccupied by large stones.

When not fit more, but chose to ask faked shake the bottle thereby generated a little more room. Then he asked again: "We have filled the bottle?", To which learners distrusted and ventured a timid "No!".

"All right!" He said in a fatherly tone. He climbed a bag with sand and began to pour into the jar until almost overflowing.

With fun attitude made his ear a screen questioning attitude, there was giggling, then 'the magician' up a bottle with water and added to the container until it is full.

«Conclusions?" Asked and answered himself:

1 - There is always one more quote on the agenda;

2 - Large stones (important issues) must be resolved (introduced) first;

3 - For a market is well attended, it takes large, medium and small entrepreneurs.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La importancia de las pequeñas empresas

(This is the Article No. 1765)

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

Let me come to the annoying

Depending on the relationship with God, we find people who try to be very tedious and find people who never want to bother.

There are two ways to win friends bothering many people and not bothering anyone.

This sounds contradictory, because indeed it is. It becomes coherent if we incorporate the interesting variable for a case and its opposite exist in different contexts.

If not clarify this, you will not read, therefore, clarified:

As we all need to be loved and have the illusion that it is possible to intelligently control the desired goal, we do things, attempts, trials-and-errors, for the rest of us want.

At the beginning of our life which we receive an initial teaching educational effectiveness is huge because it is the first and because it occurs when we have almost everything to learn.

That first experience leads us to believe that being helpless, full of problems, crying, hungry, complainers, intolerant, anxiety and other related qualities, our mother, or someone of similar role, shall be resolvernos the problem, showing so loves us.

Therefore, our first lesson tells us that the more disturb others, we will be more beloved by our victims.

In a second stage, some people have such sad experiences that come to doubt that annoying win friends and, in the worst cases even bothering lose deduce that we already had friends.

These unhappy creatures may have an extreme reaction: not to bother trying to fend for themselves, avoid by all means be parasites, needy, needy, making many friends fall away because they are not useful, because they take away the opportunity to help .

For the first group (the annoying), loving God is not stopping to ask, pray, bribe him with gifts and for the second group (the self), to love God is to leave it alone.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Dejad que los fastidiosos vengan a mí.

(This is the Article No. 1783)

The imaginary love of a rich father

Companies issuing credit cards 'love' who are his "love" paying on time.

With my dad got a deal: when we are in public places where other people can see us, he pays all my expenses.

I like this game because I feel that others admire "love" I've been able to generate in someone as important as him.

What nobody knows, (though many imagine) is that when we're alone I return the money spent paying my purchases.

Beyond make others believe that he loves me enough to take care of what I eat, I also like those bills not be manipulating others have touched, God knows with how much dirt on their hands!

Psychologist says I'm so cranky with dirt because in my subconscious I think I am pure spirit, that I have a body enfermable and, worse, can die.

The "love" my father manifests his power and never look when my accounts canceled by paying teller charged.

The psychologist says humans we hide to defecate and fornicate and that the scrupulous as I also want to look at how others meet their needs and sexual evacuativas.

So much for the imaginary thinking of an imaginary person. Now my comment on what is meaning and why.

This person is expressed because using a credit card. It assumes that when you pay with plastic money that is his dad who does because the "love".

The word "credit" comes from "believing" and it is logical that people who love us believe in our honesty.

Companies issuing credit cards (Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Cabal), "love" to those who show their "love" paying on time.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El imaginario amor de un padre rico.

(This is the Article No. 1764)

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

The cannibalism of a good person

The Catholic rite of eating the body of Christ (Eucharist) recalls a fable of Aesop.

Aesop was a writer of stories that perhaps there about six hundred years before Christ.

Those stories were fables, ie intervening fictions in humans, animals and imaginary characters, animate and inanimate. They had a remarkable pedagogical purpose. In all these stories the author gave any instruction, advice, wisdom.

My mother insisted me to study but I always liked to read, learn and get good grades, but it is clear that she liked my protagonist feel student achievement and so I insisted to do what they would have done anyway.

One of the myths that I remember now was the donkey and books.

According to a donkey Aesop has encountered some books while grazing. As was his wish to feel superior to others of its kind (eagerness to achieve, we would say today) imagined that eating them easily incorporate all that otherwise would have to read, think, understand, memorize.

So he did: he stopped eating grass and swallowed the books. Without checking the results gathered exhibirles other burritos for all I knew. When he wanted to do such amazing demonstration could not say anything because he knew nothing and ended up being the laughing stock of the expectant audience.

The story impressed me enormously, however, to the chagrin of my mother, I think that's what pushed me early Christianity.

Indeed, the Eucharist is "In the Catholic Church, sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ, through which, by the words the priest says, is transustancian the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ" (1).

I do not think eating me (symbolically) the body reaches a good person to become a good person.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La antropofagia de una buena persona
(This is the Article No. 1782)