lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Some causes of monogamy

Monogamy is conduct contrary to the instincts of our species but is defended on the grounds that we are all equal.

Sometimes we hear someone say, somewhat mockingly, and even angry, "All men are equal!".

Others may say, perhaps with contempt: "All Chinese are identical."

Who defends monogamy may be motivated by different factors. For example:

- Maybe it's a standard religious or cultural tradition;

- Can lack of sex drive but sometimes participate in sex because it deems necessary for the other person;

- It is guided by the ethical principle: "Do not do unto others what you do not want done to you";

- Sometimes it is monogamous for lack of opportunities. If anyone shows interest environment monogamous, this hardly feel encouraged to be unfaithful to your spouse;

- Some use the strange word "alexithymia" to describe an inability to describe the sensations and feelings;

- To this list (not exhaustive) of reasons to practice monogamy, I add what we commonly refer to "indifference".

As I said at the beginning of this article, we hear that some people generalize far as to say that "all men (or women) are equal."

This psychological situation easily leads them to think that "who knows your spouse knows all mankind."

It is easy to have this feeling after seeing the fame he won the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, just to say 'Paint your village and paint the world. "

A passion for pets can be caused by the need to find very differentiating features to see that the other is really different.

In short: It is likely that monogamy is influenced by many factors, one of which is to assume that everyone is equal.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Algunas causas de la monogamia.

Some mention of the term 'monogamia':

Las carencias del amor físico
La búsqueda en Google por “fernando mieres” monogamia, muestra más resultados.

(This is the Article No. 1768)

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