Although I'm right, all my friends are left. Perhaps it is because I enjoy arguing.
They have that once a Jew Jacques Lacan asked to recommend a psychoanalyst. He did and gave the name of an Arab colleague.
I have no news if the Jew accepted the suggestion and if he did not know how it went in the analysis.
If someone asked me why I feel so much love for my ideological adversaries would have to tell myself that occurs in sexual: I get along better with women than with men. Son tastes!
Since 1 March 2005, José Mujica is the president of the Uruguayan and attract as much attention for the first time in our short history as a country we tend to be on the world press that sponsored the legalization of abortion, because it sent a bill to parliament to legalize marijuana use and because it was called as the "President of the world's poorest."
As someone who intuitively handles the media well, journalists will spend many minutes per day to cover news involving him.
Looking at the dwelling occupied with his wife Manuela Lucia and her dog, we can state that does not enjoy life or citizen, or of bourgeois life, or the First World comfort, but he says he is not poor but austere.
The word "austerity" (1) refers concepts such as suffering, pain, remorse, anguish. It is associated with sacrificed control of passions, pleasures.
In the current cultural, worthy of love a president "austere", "strictly complied with the rules of morality" (2).
Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Qué es ser
(This is the Article No. 1763)
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