jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

Only a great man works for others

When the woman is brewing needs economic support that the spouse is not willing to offer as expected.

I get really bad with the ideals and idealists, but in reality we're separated them only for details: they struggle to achieve that ideal while I just take it as a reference, as a model, as a theory, but I resist to believe that is achievable in reality.

For example, the ideal human being has a number of attributes that can only be imagined, but it's almost impossible to find in one person and totally impossible to find in a population.

The theoretical "ideal human being" can guide us, to tell us, for example, that a person should be happy not lying, which would generate an incentive to organize our lives so that lie ceases to be a vital resource to become exceptional.

Ideal, (and now I gotten down to the subject of this article), that women can pursue their pregnancies without worrying about whether they will have enough money to live decently she and her offspring.

Is this ideal attainable? Work toward it, would not be as useless or counterproductive, we finish deepening poverty among women as happens now?

I have the prejudice that perfectionists are people who refuse to work and justifying it impossible missions defending. Thus blocking the direct accusation that merit: "You do not want to do anything and you justify aspiring to unattainable ideals."

Even with the great possibilities of error that we all have, I would like to comment that family formation institutionalizing marriage monogamous, hinders the goal that women can get pregnant in decent conditions.

It is ideal to suppose that men enjoy working to keep others (wife and children).

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Solo un varón ideal trabaja para otros.

(This is the Article No. 1752)

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