jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

We want to be unique as a mom

People crave a spouse monogamous monogamous because "there is a single mother" and God is monotheistic.

Nothing is more important than Mom. This character of our history has reason enough to be the queen of our lives, but that does not mean we should get along with it.

Like all strong ties, they can be encouraged (stimulated) by feelings of attraction (love) and rejection (hate). In both cases, the image of the other occupies a valuable place in our psyche.

I repeat: a link can be very strong when based on feelings of attraction and when based on feelings of rejection, because in both cases the character (loved or hated) occupies the most important place in our minds and the most eminent of every nation has a monument in the most visible, most visited, most beautiful.

Therefore, we are all emotionally linked in one way or another, with Jesus of Nazareth, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Osama Bin Laden, and any others you find in your memory.

It is also possible to say that any mention, to speak for or to speak against, evokes the character, it brings to mind, what exhibits. For example, if you really want to forget humanity Augusto Pinochet Ernesto Guevara or simply fall into oblivion.

The actual disappearance occurs only with indifference ... both of the dead and of the living.

I return to the original subject: Mom is universally the most important character in our lives.

As "mother is a single" all who yearn to occupy this place in the minds of others, are also trying to be unique, exclusive.

People want to have multiple spouses polygamous but be unique (as Mom) for each spouse; medicine wants to monopolize the health care and to God demands monotheism.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Queremos ser únicos como mamá.

(This is the Article No. 1784)

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