miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Control of the affections of others

Those who believe in free will dream of doing what they want with themselves and others.

Write in first person but each reader will take my place in first person. So explain to me better.

I have a contract with you, that is, with the society they belong.

In this contract we agree that if I have a bad behavior, all or any of you, punish me somehow. Also, if I have a good behavior, pass unnoticed by almost everyone except a few who need me for some reason.

This works well because humans are social animals, living in collective and mutually dependent. In addition, we can not live alone for long.

When we believe in free will, we imagine that our friends love us for what we do to make us want, that is, they love us because we have decided to do so.

So that we want, we present a certain way: with a certain physical appearance, with some clothing, with some form of writing.

That contract says we agreed that I will have to appear before you with a neat look, quite often, taking care not to make grammatical errors, trying to bring original ideas that are not on the rest of the web.

You see, those who read me, call me, ask me, congratulate me, criticize me, I recommend or try to go away, do what I want, I obey, since, as I said above, are my friends or my enemies because I possess the free will to decide on the type of bond that I have with you.

But all this is NOT because nobody controls the emotions of others. Those who believe in free will dream of doing what they want with themselves and even others.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google: El control de los afectos ajenos

(This is Article No. 1659)

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