Formerly, the church was the intermediary between God and every human being. The ecclesiastical institution administering the personal bond so that produced the earthly death, every human being could have all your history in order as for the passage to Paradise is simple, smooth.
Something very similar happened in the countries where retirement: a state institution, similar in function to the churches, was responsible for keeping track of the worker's contributions, to the end of the career, it was easy to start charging retirement benefits.
However, the churches began to lose ground to the medicine.
Indeed, the scientific art of healing was shifting the task of the priests, because doctors began to occupy leading positions in the life of citizens.
The same happened in the relationship with the rulers. Formerly the clergy acted "shoulder to shoulder" with the leaders, persuading citizens from the pulpit and from the confessional, to which were the best behavior to please God, that is, the ruling partner of the priest. Now, however, are the doctors, who function as "health police" who impose discipline in the governed, through regular body checks, diet, high consumption of pharmaceutical drugs, remarkably frequent amputations bodies seem to be more (thyroid, uterus, appendix, gall bladder).
Something substantive change is that each individual felt before only to his God, but now the city is one more against the criteria of mass health medicine (social medicalization).
That individuality was replaced by the more economically efficient mass.
Note: Original in Spanish (without
translation by Google: Medicalización
de la sociedad
(This is Article No. 1657)
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