jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

The United paternalistic and economic underdevelopment

With psychoanalytic logic, humans do not function well in a paternalistic system that keeps us childish, immature, underdeveloped.

From my perspective, the people living in communist regimes (Cuba and North Korea), live peaceably with scarce resources evenly, while the rest of the people who live in capitalist regimes, live anxiously, with resources that most of the time are very abundant, though sometimes suffer deep crisis during which we suffered dramatic shortages.

One such crisis occurred in 1929, in the United States and that stimulated rethinking, reformulating capitalism.

After World War II, which had as one of the main causes discomfort from the uneven distribution of resources of capitalism, some politicians thought it was time for governments to intervene to prevent further social unrest that provoked a third war.

The effort to avoid the deep inequalities between humans kept us excited for decades.

In 1945 England began operating in the so-called welfare state, consisting of state intervention in the distribution of the wealth generated by the workers.

If you look objectively, the welfare state was not anything other than the official policy of the legendary Robin Hood: take those with more wealth to distribute among those with more poverty.

This government intervention generated large profits made think that economic woes would be over forever.

But it did not. Workers lost interest, production began to decline and crises reappeared economies.

With psychoanalytic logic, humans do not function well in State Security superior protection (State or God), artificially relieved of uncertainty, in a paternalistic system that keeps us childish, immature, underdeveloped.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los Estados paternalistas y el subdesarrollo económico

(This is the Article No. 1648)

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