Have not you noticed that when describing other living things we do from the overweening arrogance of considering higher? Have not you noticed that when we want to highlight some of the other species trait, that trait coincidentally resembles a human trait (stand on two legs, hugging a fellow, look at us with "human tenderness")?
Well, humans have the conviction that we are superior to other living beings.
To reinforce this idea, to emit a signal that we are even-handed, objective, thoughtful, imagine the Martians and Venusians as superior to humans, but not by chance, we have never had real contact with them.
Our idealization and even our fear of aliens, achieves the goal of reaffirming the belief that "science does not lie, that his observations are indisputable, that the human mind perceives only the real."
I remember now the movie E.T. The alien (USA-1982), in which the course being from another planet, looks human, has special powers, suffers misunderstanding of all but a few human children and, when he has to leave our 'wonderful world', it very heartfelt note.
Therefore, when humans narrate something, we do it in the interests of the teller. "History is made by historians," says a proverb, laconic, ironic, caustic.
When the story of the male and female actions, we see something similar happens: it's great that more and more women into male places assume responsibilities traditionally masculine (govern, lead, drive trucks), as if they resemble men were a advance, an achievement, a way to overcome.
When this happens, we reaffirm that human beings are slightly imbecile.
Note: Original in Spanish (without
translation by Google): El
mérito de ser humano.
(This is the Article No. 1675)
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