lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

The practical usefulness of the study

School failure, massive, alarming, is because no one knows how to explain to students why they need to learn clearly useless knowledge.

To drink wine, we have to get him out of his bottle, eat bananas to have to remove the shell and to harness the energy of the younger generation, we need them as much as possible narcissism.

Narcissism is a kind of functional blindness. Although we have five senses are very young, do not begin to communicate with the outside world until very late.

Surely there are people who die a hundred years, they did not achieve their maximum cognitive development, ie, understanding the full potential of the body itself, the body of the other and the rest of nature of which we are part.

The prevailing philosophy in our Western cultures, appeals to violence greatly. Even the most underdeveloped know apply.

When we fail to see what the child is watching, you hear what you are listening, try to increase the incentives for adding some pain (like a condiment): we hit, we shouted, we deprive ourselves of what we most want .

One might ask: Why do children and young people have difficulty both interested in the environment? Why are so bad students during school and high school?

As far as I can understand, they do that because they are really smart, healthy, normal. If you do not act like that, would you doubt them.

A healthy human being, intelligent and normal

- Paying more attention to what he likes;
- Responds to specific stimuli needed;
- Is reasonable and ask questions, explanations, negotiate;
- Resists authoritarianism.

Our culture can not explain:

- Why the prohibition of incest (1);
- What must be useful knowledge unknown.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La inutilidad práctica del estudio
(This is the Article No. 1664)

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