sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

The interruption of studies for loyalty

It is a sign of fidelity preserve family traditions. Many of those unable to finish college fear betraying the family tradition.

The socio-economic class we belong appears to be hereditary because it works: it is likely that the children of the rich, so they are, and so with any other socio-economic category.

The cultures also seem hereditary because the children of the Arabs, have Arabic customs, and so with other cultures.

It is relatively easy to adopt the customs and objectives of our family, from small learned to think about what they think, we have a similar diet, like we practice religious beliefs.

I guess the habit of Spanish speakers to learn English as a second language due to intelligent effort they have made the Anglo-speaking, using its long colonial tradition. Although it is a language that I like, I have to take off my hat to the ability in his attempt to become ill Anglo-speaking as a way to make us admire their culture from the subordination that inevitably occurs to those who speak it perfectly.

It is wonderful and pathetic to observe how Hispanics learning English, feel a sort of reverential attitude and embarrassed by those who speak it as well as we speak Spanish.

I want to tell you more about how our desire for progress can be so subtly discouraged, as with the trap of the English language, which always becomes disabled after paying lots of money learning something that will never speak as well as natives.

I mean university degrees who have no family history. It is well take pride in the superiority of the children, but not quite.

It is a sign of fidelity preserve family traditions. Many of those unable to finish college fear betraying the family tradition.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google: La interrupción de los estudios por fidelidad

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