domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Not knowing the childhood trauma healing

Although psychoanalysis recognizes that in our early childhood could be the cause of discomfort adults will discover no solution.

A dentist recommending surprised me take a pain reliever before you go to your inquiry.

- Want to take a painkiller before you feel the pain? - I asked in surprise.

- Yes, that way you will feel protected and will be less likely to feel some pain psychologically, 'I said.

Apparently he was right because I did not feel any significant discomfort.

In some cases psychoanalysis works as a preventive soothing.

It is popular belief, originated in psychoanalysis, whereby childhood experiences can cause psychological disturbances in adulthood.

When these disturbances include uncomfortable symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, irritability, start by thinking that are caused because our mother was so and so, or our father had the bad habit of, or at the time the teachers ...

By thinking in this way seek to relieve uncomfortable symptoms, we would like to find the cause of our psyche to rearrange your feel good, no anxiety, no insomnia, no irritability.

No, this does not work if we postpone the changes in our way of being that are the real cause of the problems that bother us.

Indeed, it's no use blaming certain influential people in our history. Even if we condemn them for the mistakes they made, perhaps we would appeased our thirst for revenge, but it would improve.

This procedure (blame others for our psychological defects) does not work, so we have to use it as a temporary soothing as we seek new ways of understanding reality, to react to the difficulties, autoevaluarnos more objectively.

If a tooth has decay and if we have to heal our psyche is not adapted to the life that we had, too.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): No es curativo conocer los traumas infantiles.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.980)

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