sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

We are sedentary but do not want to vegetate

We have sedentary habits but we could say that "Living mechanically with purely organic life, comparable to that of the plants' productive.

I do not know how "knowing" is something useful, but adhere to widespread prejudice according to which "knowledge is beneficial."

Knowledge is probably something that enriches self-preservation, giving it more references we have at birth.

What seems certain is that some people enjoy knowing, inquiring, investigating.

So "knowing" is fun for some and possibly useful for everyone.

Without going any further, the word 'veg' is said, "A person said: Living mechanically with purely organic life, comparable to that of the plants." (1). In the same entry, it says: "Enjoy quiet life voluntarily, free of work and care."

Given these definitions, arguably the majority lifestyle, while most of us are sedentary and are not nomadic, leads us to 'veg'.

For example, for many people it is important to homeownership and, if possible, also owning alternative housing for holiday periods tourist somewhere.

Reasonably, we seek to have these properties belong to the category "Real Estate" or "Real Estate", with which we approach the concept 'veg' to 'voluntarily enjoy quiet life ... ".

Our minds sense that animal mobility is more productive than fijedad plant, but our minds, would not be wrong?

Almost all have the tendency to believe that the sense of sight is the most reliable, ("If I do not see it"), but this effect depends on the mobility to see the changes.

In short: We clearly sedentary habits and vegetables, but we could not say that "Living mechanically with purely organic life, comparable to that of plants", be helpful.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Somos sedentarios pero no queremos vegetar.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.981)

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