lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

The rich are wrong – II

Although "About tastes there is nothing written" the rich do not tolerate others have less needs than we do.

"About tastes there is nothing written" because, to write would have like to have some universal, shared by all.

That which is written is described and a description is similar to a photograph: it describes a moment, a point of view, selecting some characteristic features and leaving many others which, if included, again confusing the description.

Thus, the tastes are too different and if we were accurate, there is a taste for person, as unique as fingerprints and iris patterns.

However, when we join forces

- Curiosity;
- The need for approval, and
- Fantasy,

get a teaching on how to understand and treat the poor.

To simplify this writing say that you and I are rich because we have access to the Internet and those who do not have are poor (1).

Curiosity: How can it be that these beings so similar to me, to live as they live?

Need to receive approval: if these beings so like me live but featuring fewer objects that I, one of the two is wrong. As I need to get approval arbitrarily conclude that the poor are wrong.

The strange thing in this matter is that they do not fight to have more items but we are the rich who in one way or another, (charities, NGOs, government assistance), they try to have a life similar to ours.


Fantasy: to explain why the poor live with so few objects invented that are ignorant, stupid, underdeveloped children, sick.

In sum: Although "About tastes there is nothing written" the rich do not tolerate others have less needs than we do.

This article is complementary to

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los ricos estamos equivocados – II
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.976)

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