Apparently, open dumps generated when garbage decomposes, about 190 different gases harmful to health, foul odors, rodents and proliferation of various vermin. The aqueous residue, penetrate the soil contaminating everything, down to the groundwater.
These environmental features make the area uninhabitable for humans even more resistant to adverse conditions.
And although it seems a distant conceptually theme, metaphor, the mental capacity to make comparisons, we can think of the concept 'zone' culturally 'uninhabitable'.
To get in "climate" think of the nauseating stench that generate guilt, recriminations and social convictions, carried out by people who, metaphorically, could be described as "rodents and vermin."
What usually happens is that the obsession to find in other bad actions or intentions, finish making citizens responsible citizens guilty.
Not the same take responsibility for what might happen within the scope of our responsibility (minor children, family insolvent subordinate staff) to think that there is guilt.
Those responsible seek to repair the damage to the extent reasonably possible, but the existence of some humans, metaphorically 'rodents and vermin "and seek to use the committed attitude to esquilmarlo, degrading it, abuse, take everything, pleading guilty outrageous, inexcusable, worthy of the worst punishment.
In other words, if many people avoid responsibility show an attitude, usually because they easily become victims of abusers seeking to exploit, plunder and who display vampirize interested in taking over compensation for damage to third parties which could not avoided.
Coincidentally, movies and books about vampires, are a permanent fashion.
Note: Original in Spanish (without
translation by Google): Los
abusadores y los vampiros.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.799)
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