martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

The humans descended from monkeys

The philosophical and religious doctrines that are subject despise bodily functions also decline, wealth and money.

Humans are animals so underdeveloped that spent a lifetime trying to understand the most basic, most elemental because we produce disgust, shame, indignation.

The most elemental just mention: we are animals.

We are much more imperfect they are trying to reverse the terms imagination to the point of considering them inferior to us.

Sometimes I think, (perhaps in jest) that Charles Darwin realized that animals are more developed human beings, but when he told his friends advised not raise this theory because they risked losing their lives at the hands defending exalted some of our superiority.

What interests me tell you is related to pathological poverty.

The body has features that reveal the condition of animal from which disown.

Imagination, fantasies, illusions, chimeras, dreams, illusions, utopias, ideals, mysticism, religions, are some of the resources we have humans to appease envy we produce our more evolved descendants : animals.

The body is explicitly rejected by many people whose neurosis or psychosis have elevated levels of unreality.

Sexuality is an essential function but lack reminiscent of those seen in modesty that were once human and were fortunate to overcome.

When life leaves us, our bodies decompose like the bodies of our derivatives: the body of a dog and a human, degrade identically.

All of these considerations, it might be rude to radicals of our animal deniers are here to point out that the rejection of matter usually associated with contempt of wealth.

Suggested Article:

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los monos descienden del ser humano.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.803)

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