domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

The importance of what we dream

Quality of life would improve if you recognize the intimate culture value that have our nightly dreams.

We are all interested in what happens to us every day. What we think, we remember, we discussed it.

What catches our attention is not always the most important. A president may be concerned that your pet veterinarian complains and does not know what hurts or a modest garbage collector can seriously ask why he has to do that job you do not like while others, whom he considers his fellow can enjoy the gratifying work and fill them with pride.

The important thing for everyone is something that concerns him intimately, selfishly, as an individual who cares relatively isolated from other humans.

In this intimate life occupy an important role dreams.

Leaving aside the logic hard, cold, rational, dreams are "things that happen to us" really, are events of our lives and have an importance in our lives that we can hardly disguise because accustomed disqualify ... unsuccessfully.

Basically, we think that we dream actually happened and is part of our reality.

The experiences we feel in a dream need to be disqualified because of accepting them with more conviction we tornarían too doubtful those other contingencies we live when we are awake ... or believe to be.

But the president still complaining mascot and government business postponed inevitably follow.

At the same time workers are distracted, make mistakes, oversights, ..., drivers ignore traffic signals, Mr forget to turn the stove in your kitchen, because they can not help but wonder "who is that man with the mustache that looks staring into a recurring dream. "

Our culture would help us live better if they recognized the importance of dreams.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La importancia de lo que soñamos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.794)


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