lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Anxious blindness

The emotional turmoil experienced by people eager to communicate takes away possibilities, (see, understand, hear), with the environment.

Not enough to read: it must be able to read what is in the text that you read.

This seems obvious, redundant and makes no sense, but incredibly, many people do not read what the text says but what they think it says.

Suffer some kind of anxiety that prevents them taking the time to understand the actual content. Why settle for what they imagined and will stay with the certainty that there said that they imagined, as the very anxiety prevent them confirm if misunderstood or not understood.

For this reason there are few people who understand the texts where they communicate new ideas, different from what they knew. It is unlikely to renew the inventory of their beliefs and knowledge. It can not be updated automatically try to ratify the old knowledge imagine reading what the text says.

This attitude allows them to indulge in the belief that they know everything.

Indeed, if each new thing they read is interpreted as being something they already knew, end confirming that "there is nothing new under the sun", already know everything, you are wise and you can go into the world to give advice, to lecture and sleep easy because ignorance is something that does not affect them.

When someone is very disturbed by the confusion of her feelings, can not perceive what is outside but believe what you see outside is actually in your imagination. Not only when reading, but when you hear, when you look at a landscape or enjoying a new taste.

Until the dust settles, emotional disorder environmental isolates us.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La ceguera de los ansiosos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.814)

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