viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

The necessity of having

Some women grow suffering, even joining a man prone to sadism.

It is very naive to assume that people have sex for love, as a gesture of affection, something must be done to appease certain unrelieved tensions generated moodiness, irritability, bad temper.

While these reasons may exist, which produce the largest amounts of excitation are quite different and have nothing to do with the famous book "The Perfect Marriage", written in 1926 by the Dutch gynecologist Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde (1873-1937 ), and were forbidden to be read to the faithful of the Catholic Church because, apparently, "ignorance is the mother of all virtues."

What moves the machine to enjoy bodily (including the psyche), are fantasies that may not prove to be imagined.

Humans are a species more imperfect than others because we are weaker than the rest of the animals.

Weakness compels us to seek solutions with fewer scruples, more aggressiveness, falling over and over again in misconduct, but of course, humans possess two complementary defects worse: we are weak and we pretend we are strong. We have much to improve.

Be weak also exposes us to the worst actions against other (human and nonhuman) can be justified as "self-defense", because as I say, we are the weakest.

The main resource to offset our weakness is the fantasy, imagination, lies, dramatization, dissimulation, pretending.

So tremendous is our ideas that we are scary to those who invented them.

Women have always pretended to be the weakest and to offset often appeal to a greater extent than men, to victimize, complain, flagellation, self-blame, become martyrs, sometimes using a man capable of beating them.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La necesidad de sufrir.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.797)

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