martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

The irritating arrogance of state

Some rules of conduct road (vehicle use), stunt threaten survival instinct that protects us.

Days Gone was interviewed on TV a traffic inspector of the city of Montevideo (Uruguay).

Although this official emphasized the rudeness, aggressiveness and the tendency of drivers to contempt he has for function monitor, I seemed to understand something different that I now share with you.

The inspector said that they like the bad motorists required to wear seat belts and get a foul mood when the state's financially penalized for not using it.

The same goes for motorcyclists when intercepted and forced to wear a helmet skull.

It seems reasonable that the state authorities to ensure the safety of citizens, making roads safe, wide, well-paved with good visibility, with intelligent traffic signals, timely and understandable.

It seems reasonable that the state authorities to ensure the suitability of drivers, while their management does not become a risk to the physical safety of other road users of traffic.

It seems reasonable that the state authorities to ensure the good maintenance of the vehicles on the national network of highways, streets and roads, so that these tools do not work or walk become weapons of destruction of life or property of others .

What does not seem reasonable that the state authorities attack us trying to replace the self-preservation of the people, because when you do, (forcing them to wear a seat belt and helmet), not only invades private property number one, that it is the body, but threatens to stunt responsible instinct to preserve the individual and the species.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La irritante prepotencia del estado.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.808)

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