martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Youth Apprenticeship mandatory

Young people have an obligation to know about sexuality but do not realize they are doing it.

I will share with you an idea for evaluation personally, apart from those who claim to know.

Humans learn by playing.

According to several articles collected'm in the blog's sole mission (1), living beings have a unique mission to accomplish, this is keeping us as individuals and to conserve the species reproduce.

By this definition of sexuality is the most important function.

Children begin to masturbate a few months of birth, when they discover that the genitals are especially sensitive rewarding.

Then continue this practice autoerotic but in adolescence, girls and boys discover that there are other practices that could be more pleasurable if done with another person, preferably of the opposite sex.

Young people, when they reach their reproductive maturity (around age 12), try to have sexual activity as sexual intercourse, for which they must negotiate a meeting, for being too exciting, are nervous and shy.

To participate in this new stage of learning through play erotic often take alcohol to comfort himself, to lose some awareness of what they are doing because it seems more important aptly than their short experience allows them to take.

I believe (and I suggest thinking), alcohol intake is necessary in our culture by how we treat the subject of "sexuality" with them. Rather, almost never talk about sex with our children and students.

Young people are very severe and despise each youth who claim not to drink alcohol as most.

While adults are scandalized by the arrogance of the "drinkers", it is possible that they do so that learning is compulsory sexuality.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Aprendizaje juvenil obligatorio.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.815)

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