martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Just love who we meet

When women and men we love it because we satisfy needs that are different because men and women are different.

The temporary loss of awareness is a characteristic of our modest mental capacity.

The problems caused by the limitations of intelligence have to turn the feature involved in a vicious circle, as is the very lack that prevents the know.

Another vicious cycle, which is associated with the foregoing, is the question of ignorance, for he who ignores also ignores what he does not know.

Therefore suffer two mutually reinforcing challenges against intellectual results of which we are capable.

In short: the little intelligence to understand that we are fools and little wisdom includes not knowing that we ignore.

We learned what love is when our mother gave him satisfaction, on time and to our primary needs.

The little that he calmed the hungry, sheltered, sanitized and cradled him, pleasure felt by the woman who made ​​him think: "what person so kind! ', Ie,' this person inspires me love because I am pleased '.

"Then there was love," could paraphrase the beginning of the Book of Genesis.

That little was sensing that his continued loving feeling over time linking it to those who gave satisfaction to your needs and desires: Dad, 'aunt who pampers and makes gifts',' teacher who taught me patience, "" Grandma I meal preparation and stories makes me fall asleep. "

There will come a day when girls feel like to be mothers, elect a man who will feel very proud to be chosen. She will love the man because she needs a father of his children and he will love it because it makes him feel important.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Solo amamos a quien nos satisface.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.822)

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