miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

The aging

Citizens, overprotected by States or medicine, we have the age or the attitudes of the elderly.

Nothing to do Nature can be overcome by a part of Nature. This is like saying that "everything is always greater than one part of the whole."

Therefore, if humans are part of nature can never overcome anything. What can happen (and does happen), is that as we are more imperfect than our poor brain She thought to overcome.

With this human head that I have, I want to make a comment for the other human heads that might read this article.

Longevity is not something that appears to benefit the species.

The oldest individuals function as a drag that slows the evolution of species.

However, we can not deny that slow a process can be beneficial. Not as fast is better than slow.

For example, over 60 may have the role to keep doing some things while young mature until the age at which they can be truly useful, (over 30 years).

The evolution between humans is or seems slow.

For some years the rulers have adopted the fashion of over-protecting citizens, the point of doing things for them that they concern only the parties themselves (1). I am referring to the obligation passengers wear helmets and seatbelts.

For his part, adds several threats Medicine "protective" (smoking, red meat, sedentary lifestyle).

Veterans we care more than younger people. If these are required by the state to care and medicine like old, ended up in what we are: Citizens have the attitudes of age or older.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El envejecimiento de la población.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.809)

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