miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

The maternal role of entrepreneurs

Politicians exhibit your support for women with children and helps those who hide their jobs provide.

In some articles I have discussed the hypothesis that men serve for very little when you consider:

- That the only mission (1) that we keep ourselves living is a species, and

- That it is the woman who bears more than 80% of the responsibility for this mission only because biologically can gestate and give food to your body.

He even said that a single male can impregnate thousand women per year (2), with which 999 would be left outside the reproductive circuit. It's that we are expendable.

However there may be a glimmer of hope for those men to offset their natural futility doing things that also comply with the sole mission of conserving the species.

I am referring to entrepreneurs able to manage a venture to give work to many parents.

I guess the woman should not be forced to earn a salary but should receive unfailing cooperation of the company or of any man who earns enough to support her and her offspring.

While we are concerned about the unfair distribution of wealth, would also have to be concerned about the unfair distribution of biological responsibility since they have a body that forces them to take on huge responsibilities in the one mission (1) we have to do (keep the species).

Flaunt rulers when they meet the duty to help women and children, but try to be sneaky when help entrepreneurs able to provide jobs for men parents.

It seems that citizens recognize the value of mothers but despise the value of the business.

(1) Blog que concentra artículos referidos a nuestra Única misión
Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El rol maternal de los empresarios.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.797)

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