miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Adults who use children procedures

The procedures are designed to solve problems in early childhood. Children develop solutions is replaced by adult solutions.

In the first stage of our existence we have to find ways to adapt to the environment that we was fortunate, made by the company, the climate, the abundance or scarcity of food, the political situation, war or peace reigning to how we treat our mother would have preferred if abortarnos but someone stopped him.

We have to solve problems all that much when we are ignorant, inexperienced, emotionally fragile, physically weaker and from the economic point of view, quite poor.

Despite all these elements against, find solutions, beliefs, procedures, strategies.

He does not deserve any kind of foundation to ensure that these solutions could not be more inappropriate, poor and inefficient. But are these the same solutions that are working, sometimes deeper into old age.

But as there is no rule without exception, the rule of using the worst (poor, primitive, childish, inefficient) solutions for life, also has exceptions.

A few people fail to realize that childhood is not interrupted in adolescence, is an infallible source of problems.

Sometimes those happy exceptions are generated after passing harsh tests of life (war, disease, accidents, disasters).

This is another unfortunate condition in which we live: not only remain with the solutions taken at the wrong time, but to leave these "worst solutions" need to be found to be ineffective in the most painful.

These exceptions are markedly improve their quality of life, gain a realistic philosophy that enables them to perform tighter maneuvers to reality, thus obtaining the best results.

Obvious conclusion: children develop is replacing solutions for adult solutions.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Adultos que usan procedimientos infantiles.

(This is the Article No. 1717)

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