Cannibalism is distressing even today: We remember the tragedy of the Andes and the companies they eat each other.
The business strategy is a literary genre. It resembles the genre of self-help and also to the academic textbooks.
The authors are careful to make the reader be reading an academic text, serious, realistic, objective, scientific, tried-and-tested.
The authors try to present themselves as very prestigious, successful empirically recognized by people, heard by millions of people, like the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King and John Lennon.
That genre is enjoyable, as is the police, the romantic, the biographical.
Like any enjoyable product, is required to recycle, modernize, rejuvenate. Otherwise its consumers bored and die in poverty.
I was born in the last century when the corporate slogan said "the big fish eat the small fish."
The vocation of immortality, which is also present in companies in both are run by humans, generates a lot of anguish.
The anguish caused any subject is measured by the number of words spoken (or written) on it. The formula is: "more words, more anxiety and vice versa."
At the age of 64 years, ceased to exist, before the incredulous eyes of half the world, the aviation company Pan Am, whose grandeur desired immortality promised that I just mentioned.
I guess when bankruptcy in 1991 gave this "immortal", someone will corporate slogan course that should read "the fast eat the slow."
Indeed, the corporate health gurus agree that the speed of adaptation to rapid changes imposed by technological change, is the key to be "immortal".
And I repeat: the Tragedy of the Andes (2) is valid because cannibalism (business) is too.
Note: Original in
Spanish (without translation by Google): La
antropofagia empresarial
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