miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

The grim free education

Free education professional manner des-boast their knowledge while they do not know pricing them or cash them.

This article is more a message to all who wish to read (hear-see), but you will see that their main targets are college students.

Psychologists are workers 'health' and have the company of doctors, who by temperament, quantity and political power are the most important group of our guild.

In many Hispanic countries tertiary education is free.

This condition is dire and evil: a real pest.

Although the immediacy of our undeveloped minds make us think that free is a valuable incentive for citizens receive professionally, what finally happens is that economic ends forming technical ease indolent, childish minded and parasites, for all his race are behaving like a "kept" and unable to support themselves abusers financially.

The study indicates that the free study has no value, not price, is negligible.

Graduates of this artificial regime, unrealistic ideal, may end accessing a certificate to sell your skills, but fail at something essential: charge will not know, will not know to give value to their own performance, des-preciables perform tasks.

Another small disaster, invisible to our undeveloped minds, occurs when the poor, the less fortunate class in quality of life, who are used as guinea pigs, mice, to seize medical students who have the double disadvantage many people to be both poor and sick, to prove to them, are seen as a real object (of study) and the humiliating end because they can pay more attention worthy, especially since states are more popular generous giving to any opportunity to study.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La nefasta enseñanza gratuita

(This is the Article No. 1744)

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