sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Alcohol used to meet people

Alcohol intake in commercial transactions can be used to quickly find the confidence levels of the party.

In the business world there wringing, wars, conflicts, sabotage, extortion and other practices generally imagined in strictly military areas.

After the war in all its forms (conventional, dirty, guerrilla), similar to other area business world is chess. Small pieces represent millions of dollars, long strategies, investments, losses, damages and deaths distressing (checkmate).

Common sense would suggest that a good business warrior is someone able to tolerate a lot of stress, fatigue, anxiety, anxiety and to better resist your heart should be very tolerant to excess, but the body has the most to resist that kind of life is the liver.

Perhaps most business is done in heavy alcohol consumption mandatory. Traders are forced to drink high concentrations of ethanol and who can not resist the intake level, is implicitly disqualified.

Not only disqualified before the critical opinion of the other competitors-negotiators, but because a form of "fail" is losing consciousness, suffering alcohol poisoning (fainting, vomiting, incoherence).

The liver is the main protagonist in the digestion of alcohols and depends on its strength (processing power) for someone to resist large doses without collapsing (intoxicated).

When two initial negotiating a link where trust is essential, alcohol has an interesting role.

If your partner seems someone reliable even after seeing it a dose of alcohol that anyone disinhibits most probably (I say "probably"), is reliable, as these drinks transform those who consume them who you truly are, weakening costumes, simulations, hypocrisy and other forms of deception lucid.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El alcohol usado para conocer gente.

(This is the Article No. 1726)

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