They say that science is learned and that art is stolen. A proverb reminds us, "Knowing how to live is the key because everyone knows."
These ideas can be interpreted as sufficient to solve all the problems of life, like magic, as if it were equal to an "abracadabra, kickstand" effective spell if any.
The sayings and proverbs cause that feeling of profound wisdom, while we imagine that deeper wisdom is so simple that it is accessible only to the gifted.
The gifted are statistically-normal people, but possessing an anomaly that strangely proud parents to start from the basis that no one is to be more than something that provides quality of life, without recognizing that some excellences are the only cause of lives unhappy, frustrated stocks and poor prognosis.
But really wanted to say some forms of mental functioning, when we consider, we can avoid some inconveniences.
For some reason unknown to me, every time we try to solve a problem using the old method of listing all causes neatly and then begin to resolve them, it turns out that our intelligence only manages to include causes over which we have no influence, which are radically beyond our control.
For some reason unknown to me, every time I try to make a list of all persons responsible for the existence of this problem we need to solve, is that our intelligence only manages to include others responsible, excluding us.
One hypothesis of why our brain works and would we really want to solve the problem as someone else.
Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La ambivalencia ante los problemas personales
(This is the Article No. 1739)
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