viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

The privileges of the lower heights

As in the school of smaller stature occupy the first places (below) may intuit that have also achieved the lowest wealth that privilege.

Childhood experiences (home and school), are transcendent and random.

Parents often worry about doing the best for their children, but end up doing what any parent does: all you can. Neither more nor less.

Sure some things parents can do more than others, but this does not depend on themselves but also on chance, luck they have had and have.

Items that make up this blog refer to factors that could eventually influence whether someone is a "poor pathological ', ie someone who brought him bad luck and keeps suffering shortages, which would get rid of, but unsuccessfully because it retains some unconscious functioning in that state.

If all that happens in the home during the first years of life is important, so is what happens in the school, as this acts as a second home, hosts children for many hours, over many years and processing a social interaction, emotional and intellectual intense.

In this dense broth sensations can occur many would take out some conclusions about the physical location that is assigned to children.

Alignments in rows, keeping uniforms and walking distances at the same rate, suggesting military ideas: order, discipline, hierarchy, weapons, combat violence professionalized war.

To this may be added military suggestion that children of short stature are located below and behind the highest. Reaffirm the obvious: are the first forward and backward are the last.

If those of smaller stature have a prime location is possible to guess that less wealth (poor), also have.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los privilegios de las estaturas bajas.

(This is the Article No. 1732)

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