sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

Envy and pity

A corrupt official because it irritates us envy and an honest official but retain inefficient because it inspires pity.

Over ten years ago that my two brothers and I have a family business.

We have learned enough to realize that we know almost nothing. We depend heavily on the managers who have been hiring but, for various reasons, have become separated from us.

About four years ago my niece works with us has titles accountant and economist. It is so hard working and reliable as his dad (my brother and partner).

A year after taking the reins of accounting, we brought together three partners. With a face full of blushing and voice cracking, said:

- The manager is cheating.

We were stunned, but as she was recovering, she began to explain how the company's earnings were declining while the standard of living of the manager kept up: luxury car, expensive school children, wife hyper-consumer.

With great pain in the soul had to fire him, paying compensation and without denounce criminally very high, because we never wanted to harm a parent.

The same niece, perhaps to get us out of the brokenness of mind that had the bad luck to provoke us with your news, recommended to a fellow student.

The first year did not improve the results and asked her about the honesty of your recommended.

She assured us that it was a blameless person, incapable of misappropriating something.

The second year results continued to worsen and we started to get nervous.

My wife gave me the explanation:

- When he was fired corrupt because they provoked envy and retain inefficient because it inspires pity.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Sentir envidia y sentir lástima.

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